The Great American Bank Robbery
eBook - ePub

The Great American Bank Robbery

Paul Sperry

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  1. 320 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfĂŒgbar
eBook - ePub

The Great American Bank Robbery

Paul Sperry

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Über dieses Buch

You may not realize it, but you helped pay for a $10 million, fourteen-month government "investigation" of the housing collapse. Only your $10 million didn't buy much, and it certainly didn't buy truth; any hope of that went out the window on day one.

The congressionally appointed panel—made up primarily of anti-market, historic revisionists—managed to shift the blame away from Washington and onto mortgage lenders and "greedy" Wall Street executives, while protecting the real culprits at the core of the crisis: POLITICIANS LIKE THEMSELVES.

It's not about Democrat or Republican, left or right, black or white. It's about the usual suspects—money and power and the people who use government to manipulate them for private advantage.

The Great American Bank Robbery maps out in detail exactly how Washington social engineers and their accomplices reshaped banking regulations and housing policies and gutted time-tested underwriting standards that led to the worst financial calamity since the 1930s, one that has robbed American households of $14 trillion in net worth.

And they're not done yet...

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ABA. See American
Bankers Association
ABC News poll, ♣
Achtenberg, Roberta, ♣, ♩, ♄
ACORN, ♣, ♩, ♄, ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇, Ο, ◊, ∅, ∗, ⊕, ⊗, ∞, ∂, α, ÎČ, Îł, Îș, Θ, Ί, ÎŽ, λ, ψ, ϖ, ϑ, Λ, Π, ÎŁ: and Angelides, xviii; and Bill Clinton, ♣♣, ♩♩; history, ♄♄; and Barack Obama, ♠♠; and Michelle Obama, ††
“affirmative action” lending, ♣, ♩, ♄, ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇, Ο
Affordable Housing Goals, ♣, ♩, ♄, ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇, Ο, ◊, ∅, ∗, ⊕, ⊗, ∞, ∂, α, ÎČ, Îł, Îș, Θ, Ί: as a share of GSE mortgage purchases, ÎŽ
Agnos, Art, ♣
Aguilar, Orson, ♣
AIG Federal Savings Bank of Delaware, ♣
Alinsky, Saul, ♣, ♩, ♄, ♠, †, ‡, Δ
Alt-A (“liar”) loans, ♣, ♩, ♄, ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇, Ο, ◊, ∅
American Bankers Association (ABA), ♣, ♩, ♄, ♠, †
American Dream
Commitment, ♣
American Dream Down
Payment Act, ♣, ♩
American Dream Down
Payment Assistance
Fund, ♣
American Dream
Initiative, ♣
America’s Homeownership
