On the Horseshoe
eBook - ePub

On the Horseshoe

A Guide to the Historic Campus of the University of South Carolina

Elizabeth Cassidy West, Katharine Thompson Allen

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  1. 112 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

On the Horseshoe

A Guide to the Historic Campus of the University of South Carolina

Elizabeth Cassidy West, Katharine Thompson Allen

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Über dieses Buch

A complete guide to the historic campus, featuring archival photos along with a close look at the structures and the people who inhabited them. Founded in 1801 as South Carolina College, the University of South Carolina is one of the nation's oldest public colleges. Located in the heart of downtown Columbia and bound by Sumter, Pendleton, Bull, and Greene Streets, this historic landscape, known today as the Horseshoe, has both endured and prospered through more than two centuries of South Carolina's often-turbulent history. In On the Horseshoe: A Guide to the Historic Campus of the University of South Carolina, Elizabeth Cassidy West and Katharine Thompson Allen offer a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the historic Horseshoe. So much more than just a walking tour of Carolina's historic original campus, On the Horseshoe features a wealth of archival photographs and drawings dating back to the nineteenth century and also provides a close look at the Horseshoe's structures as well as the men and women who lived, worked, and studied in them. A numbered map with corresponding descriptions locates more than two dozen structures on the original campus and includes the history of each one, the important events that took place there, and its current use. An accompanying Web site (www.sc.edu/horseshoe) provides additional information and images for those who wish to further their knowledge of the university's history. Walter Edgar, Neuffer Professor of Southern Studies Emeritus and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at USC, provides a foreword. "Whether a native of Columbia, a South Carolina alumnus or a visitor to the Palmetto State, On the Horseshoe is a must-read for those interested in one of the most storied and historic facets of South Carolina's capital city." —John M. Sherrer III, Historic Columbia Foundation "Allen and West offer a well-researched and beautifully written narrative that highlights the physical and social histories of the campus. They seamlessly chronicle the construction of buildings, institutional traditions, the Civil War, slavery, Jim Crow, the civil rights movement, influential people, and ongoing memorialization efforts that showcase the rich and complex history of the university. This is an essential book for anyone interested in the University of South Carolina history, or southern history as a whole." —Kelley Deetz, President's Commission on Slavery and the University, University of Virginia

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The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
Adams, Mattie Jean
Anderson, Robert G.
Anna (enslaved person)
Babbitt, Benjamin B.
Babcock, Havilah
Baker, Leonard T.
Barnwell, Robert Woodward
Blackburn, George
Bozeman, Benjamin
Brooks, Preston
Brown, John G.
Brown, William
Brumby, Richard
Bulfinch, Charles
Burdell, Marshall
Burney, William B.
Butler, Andrew Pickens
Byrnes, James F.
Caldwell, H. H.
Cardozo, Francis Lewis
Chase, John A., Jr.
Civil War
and the burning of Columbia
Clariosophic Literary Society
Clark, Richard
Coker, David R.
Cooper, Thomas
Crum, William D.
Cummings, A. W.
Currell, William Spenser
Davis, Thomas R.
DeSaussure, Henry William
desegregation (1963)
Douglas, Davison M.
Drayton, John
Edwards and Sayward
Ellet, William
Elliott, Stephen
Euphradian Literary Society
Evans, Marion E.
Everson, Erastus
Finney, Nikky
Flinn, John William
Fryer, Pearl
Gibbes, Frances Guignard
Graham, Billy
Graves, Jacob
Greener, Richard T.
Gressette, L. Marion
Hammarskold, P. H.
Hampton, Wade, III
Hand, William H.
Hanford, Enoch
Harper, William
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Hayne, Henry E.
Henry (enslaved person)
Henry, Robert
Hibbs, Henry C.
Hollis, Daniel
Hooker, Edward
Hopkins, Harry
Hopkins and Baker
Horseshoe Restoration Project
Iakovos, Archbishop
Innocenti and Webel
Izenhour, George
Jefferson, Thomas
Jack (enslaved person)
Jim (enslaved person)
Joe (enslaved person)
John Paul II (pope)
Johnson, J. Carroll
Johnson, Richard W.
Jones, Mary
Jones, Thomas F.
LaBorde, Maximilian
Lafaye, Fair and Lafaye and Associates
Lafaye and Lafaye
LeConte, Emma
LeConte, John
LeConte, Joseph
Legare, Hugh Swinton
Library and Science Building
Lieber, Francis
Lieber, Oscar Montgomery
Little Tom (enslaved person)
Longstreet, Augustus
Lyles, Bissett, Carlisle, and Wolff
Maxcy, Jonathan
Maybin and Howell
McCay, Charles F.
McClenaghan, John C.
