Hands-on DevOps
eBook - ePub
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Hands-on DevOps

Sricharan Vadapalli, Prakash Sarma, Jason Myerscough

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  1. 424 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub
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Hands-on DevOps

Sricharan Vadapalli, Prakash Sarma, Jason Myerscough

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Über dieses Buch

Transform yourself into a specialist in DevOps adoption for Big Data on cloud

Key Features

  • Learn the concepts of Bigdata and Devops and Implement them
  • Get Acquainted with DevOps Frameworks Methodologies and Tools
  • A practical approach to build and work efficiently with your big data cluster
  • Get introduced to multiple flavors of tools and platforms from vendors on Hadoop, Cloud, Containers and IoT Offerings
  • In-Depth Technology understanding on Data Sciences, Microservices, Bigdata

Book Description

DevOps strategies have really become an important factor for big data environments.

This book initially provides an introduction to big data, DevOps, and Cloud computing along with the need for DevOps strategies in big data environments. We move on to explore the adoption of DevOps frameworks and business scenarios. We then build a big data cluster, deploy it on the cloud, and explore DevOps activities such as CI/CD and containerization. Next, we cover big data concepts such as ETL for data sources, Hadoop clusters, and their applications. Towards the end of the book, we explore ERP applications useful for migrating to DevOps frameworks and examine a few case studies for migrating big data and prediction models.

By the end of this book, you will have mastered implementing DevOps tools and strategies for your big data clusters.

What you will learn

  • Learn about the DevOps culture, its frameworks, maturity, and design patterns
  • Get acquainted with multiple niche technologies microservices, containers, kubernetes, IoT, and cloud
  • Build big data clusters, enterprise applications and data science models
  • Apply DevOps concepts for continuous integration, delivery, deployment and monitoring
  • Get introduced to Open source tools, service offerings from multiple vendors
  • Start digital journey to apply DevOps concepts to migrate big data, cloud, microservices, IoT, security, ERP systems

Who this book is for

If you are a Big Data Architects, solutions provider, or any stakeholder working in big data environment and wants to implement the strategy of DevOps, then this book is for you.

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