Insight Guides: Explore Croatia
eBook - ePub

Insight Guides: Explore Croatia

Insight Guides

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eBook - ePub

Insight Guides: Explore Croatia

Insight Guides

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Über dieses Buch

With a wonderful coast and unspoiled countryside, Croatia offers the best of both worlds. Add to the mix a sophisticated capital, romantic cities and island-studded seas and you get a perfect European summer destination. Insight Guide Explore Croatia is the ideal pocket companion for your trip: a full-colour guide containing 15 easy-to-follow routes around the country.

Inside Explore Croatia: Discover Croatia's capital Zagreb with its coffee houses and ancient architecture, the Italianate region of Istria and Dubrovnik, the "Pearl of the Adriatic". Experience Diocletian's Palace: Eat, sleep and drink in the footsteps of a Roman emperor in Split.Insight's trademark cultural coverage sets the routes in context, with introductions to Croatia's varied cuisine, extraordinary choice of outdoor activities, sophisticated shopping and key historical dates Our recommended places to eat and drink are highlighted in each route, with even more suggestions in the directory section, which also contains a wealth of useful practical information including a range of carefully selected accommodation to suit all budgets Pull-out map with useful plotted routes. Evocative photography captures the very best of this beautiful country

About Insight Guides: Insight Guides has over 40 years' experience of publishing high-quality, visual travel guides. We produce around 400 full-colour print guide books and maps as well as picture-packed eBooks to meet different travellers' needs. Insight Guides' unique combination of beautiful travel photography and focus on history and culture together create a unique visual reference and planning tool to inspire your next adventure.

'Insight Guides has spawned many imitators but is still the best of its type.' - Wanderlust Magazine

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How To Use This E-Book
This Explore Guide has been produced by the editors of Insight Guides, whose books have set the standard for visual travel guides since 1970. With ­top-­quality photography and authoritative recommendations, these guidebooks bring you the very best routes and itineraries in the world’s most exciting destinations.
Best Routes
The routes in this book provide something to suit all budgets, tastes and trip lengths. As well as covering the destination’s many classic attractions, the routes embrace a range of interests, so whether you are an art fan, a gourmet, a history buff or have kids to entertain, you will find an option to suit.
We recommend reading the whole of a route before setting out. This should help you to familiarise yourself with it and enable you to plan where to stop for refreshments – options are shown in the ‘Food and Drink’ box at the end of each tour.
The routes are set in context by this introductory section, giving an overview of the destination to set the scene, plus background information on food and drink, shopping and more, while a s...
