Insight Guides Explore Mallorca (Travel Guide eBook)
eBook - ePub

Insight Guides Explore Mallorca (Travel Guide eBook)

Insight Guides

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eBook - ePub

Insight Guides Explore Mallorca (Travel Guide eBook)

Insight Guides

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Über dieses Buch

The largest of the Balearic archipelago, Mallorca has a little bit of everything: from the history of its capital Palma and the nightlife of Magaluf, to the beaches at Santa Ponsa and the walks and hikes at Mondrago National Park. Insight Guide Explore Mallorca is a fully updated title, which is the ideal pocket companion for your trip: a full-colour guide containing the best routes around the island.

Inside Explore Mallorca:

? Discover the parts of the island that best suit your interests, with a series of carefully planned routes.

? Experience the best the island has to offer, from the charismatic capital of Palma, to the beaches of Palma Nova, to the stunning hiking and walking trails inland.

? Insight's trademark cultural coverage sets the routes in context, with introductions on the Balearic's cuisine, entertainment options and a wealth of activities on offer and key historical dates.

? Our recommended places to eat and drink are highlighted in each route, with even more suggestions in the directory section, which also contains a wealth of useful practical informationincluding a range of carefully selected accommodation to suit all budgets.

? Pull-out map with useful plotted routes.

? Evocative photography captures the stunning scenery of the island.

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Age restrictions
As of 2015 the age of consent in Spain is 16 for both heterosexual and homosexual sex. You can smoke and drink from 18. To drive a car or motorbike over 125cc you need to be over 18.
Flying the EU flag
Greg Gladman/Apa Publications
Mallorca has become more expensive in recent years due to the fluctuating euro rate and the island increasingly becoming an upmarket destination. All prices below are approximate and given only as a guide.
Getting there
Air fares vary enormously. Flights from the UK with a budget airline can vary from around £60 return in off-season to £190 or more in high season. Scheduled flights can be as low as £130 if you book well in advance, but anything up to £300 if you make a relatively late booking. The cheapest flights are usually available via the internet, or by taking a chance on a last-minute offer. See to compare prices.
Hotels can be more expensive than on the Spanish mainland. Rates for two sharing a double room during high season can range from as low as €45 in a hostal to as much as €400 at a top-of-the-range hotel. A comfortable, pleasant three-star hotel will cost about €80–€120. Rates drop considerably out of season.
The menú del día, a fixed price midday meal, is usually an excellent bargain, costing around €12–15 for a reasonably good three-course meal with one drink included. In a bar a continental breakfast (fresh orange juice, coffee and croissant) will cost around €5; a coffee €1.50–€2. The average price of a three-course à la carte meal, including house wine, will be about €35 per person. You can pay considerably less, but at top restaurants you may pay more than twice that much. The price of wine has increased: you will pay about €2.50–€3 for a glass of wine in a smartish bar.
Most museums and galleries charge an entry fee of around €3–5. Entry to La Real Cartuja, Valldemossa costs €8.50; the Coves del Drach around €15. Water parks are more expensive, around €25 (children €18). A two-hour trip in a glass-bottomed boat costs around €15 (children half-price).
Inter-island ferries between Mallorca and Menorca are reasonable for foot passengers (about €50 return), but quite expensive if you take a car – about €200 for a vehicle and two passengers. The ferry from Mallorca to Ibiza is about the same price. Deals are often available, especially if you book well in advance.
Useful prices
A caña (small draught beer): €2.00
Glass of house wine: €2–4
Main course: budget restaurant €7.90, mid-range €15, expensive €21+
Hotels: budget €45, moderate €80, luxury €200+
Taxi from Palma airport to city centre: €27
A single bus ticket: €1.50
Parc del Mar, Palma
Greg Gladman/Apa Publications
The Spanish adore kids. Even fairly late at night, you will find that restaurants welcome little ones with open arms, and most serve child-friendly meals. Nearly all sights and theme parks offer a discount for under-12s, and resort hotels are generally pretty good when it comes to children’s activities.
Mid-June until September is virtually rainless, with wall-to-wall sunshine. In July, the hottest month, temperatures range from 30°C (86°F) in the afternoon to about 20°C (68°F) at night. Autumn temperatures are typically around 24°C (75°F), but there are often short heavy rains in early September; October is the wettest month. April and May see a little rain with lots of sunshine and moderate temperatures. In winter, expect some rain and cool winds, but most days are sunny, and it is usually warm enough at midday to sit outside. Average maximum/minimum winter temperatures are 15°C (59°F) and 7°C (45°F).
Numerous beaches are safe for children
Greg Gladman/Apa Publications
Mallorca is pretty low-key, though older people dress up a bit for their evening paseo (promenade); a T-shirt and shorts are the minimum requirement for both men and women. Never wear beach gear in towns (you can now be fined for this), and when visiting churches cover your shoulders and knees. Going topless on the beaches is fairly normal, though total nudity should be kept to designated beaches.
In spring and autumn bring lots of light layers and a mac. In summer you won’t need much more than something to cover up with, but bring something warm and waterproof in the winter.
Crime and safety
Mallorca is generally pretty safe and serious crime extremely rare. Employ the same precautions you would anywhere, though: keep your eye on belongings, especially in crowded areas, and take care when withdrawing money from ATMs. Leave extra valuables in the hotel safe; ...
