The Rough Guide to Brittany and Normandy
eBook - PDF

The Rough Guide to Brittany and Normandy

Greg Ward

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  1. 408 Seiten
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

The Rough Guide to Brittany and Normandy

Greg Ward

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Über dieses Buch

The Rough Guide to Brittany & Normandy is the ultimate handbook for discovering the region, from the glorious medieval abbey of Mont-St-Michel to Monet's waterlily pond at Giverny, and the ancient Bayeux Tapestry. Discover walks and cycle trails through ancient forests and along stunning coastline, and learn more about the defining feature of the Breton landscape - the awe-inspiring megaliths of Carnac. Foodies will enjoy a full-colour section on Feasting in northern France, while readers are directed to the finest restaurants and café terraces, not to mention lively festivals and markets. Whether you're looking for the best camping or the most stylish hotels, you can rely on accommodation suggestions for every budget and taste. You'll find practical advice on travelling around the region, from river cruises to the SNCF rail service, as well as the clearest maps of any guide. Explore all corners of this region with authoritative background on everything from Brittany and Normandy's varied landscapes and wildlife to its fascinating history and musical heritage.
Make the most of your holiday with The Rough Guide to Brittany & Normandy.

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