Slouching Toward Nirvana
eBook - ePub

Slouching Toward Nirvana

Charles Bukowski

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  1. 288 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
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eBook - ePub

Slouching Toward Nirvana

Charles Bukowski

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Über dieses Buch

"Wordsworth, Whitman, William Carlos Williams, and The Beats in their respective generations moved poetry toward a more natural language. Bukowski moved it a little farther."— Los Angeles Times Book Review

"He brought everybody down to earth, even the angels."—Leonard Cohen, songwriter

Los Angeles slums, bars, and more are featured in Slouching Toward Nirvana, the third of five books of unpublished poems from Charles Bukowski, considered by many to be America's most imitated and influential poet.

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Bach is the hardest to play badly because
he made so few spiritual mistakes.

a 4th of July in the early 30’s

there wasn’t much to celebrate,
of course,
our fathers weren’t working
and the canned food from the Dept. of Relief
all had the same terrible
stale taste.
nothing much was happening anywhere and
there was a joyless resignation
in the air
but I remember this one morning at about
6 a.m. on the 4th of July
1932 or 3 or 4, I don’t remember which,
when I heard loud explosions
in the street outside:
I got out of bed, dressed
quickly, ran outside
and there
coming up Longwood Avenue
right in the center of the street was
my buddy Gene
walking along and throwing
giant firecrackers
into the air.
the morning fog
was just beginning to lift
and the first sun was coming
and there was Gene
and making the air
I ran up to him.
“god damn! what you got?”
“cherry bombs!
and plenty of
he also had
what was called a “punk,”
a coated metal stick that
glowed hot and red at the
Gene touched the punk
to a fuse
watched it burn down,
then tossed the bomb high
into the air
where it exploded
right at the height of its
a man came out
on his front porch
in his pajamas.

“come out here and make us
stop!” said Gene
(he was big for his
Gene laughed, lit a cracker,
and tossed it toward the
man. it landed
right on the ledge of his large
plate glass window.
luckily the window didn’t
the man ran back into his
Gene handed me the punk
and a bomb.
“you try one
I lit the fuse and waited
as long as I dared
then hurled the bomb.
it went off a dozen feet over my
“not bad,” Gene said.
we walked up Longwood to
21st street, took a left, then
went up the little hill.
“watch this,”
said Gene.
there was a garbage can sitting out by a
Gene took the lid off, dropped
a lit bomb in there and
put the lid back
the explosion sent the lid flying
about 3 feet
into the air.
“god, they’re powerful!”
“yeah,” said Gene.
we walked a little further up
the hill.
there was a car parked there
with the window slightly open
on the driver’s
“watch this,” said Gene.
he lit a cracker and dropped it
through the window.
the car rocked, then
was filled with thick
blue smoke.
“that was great!” I
Gene had 3 or 4 cherry bombs left.
we turned, walked back down
the hill.
Gene lit the last ones,
one by one and arched them
as far as possible
into the air where
they exploded.
then we were standing in front
of his house.
it was now about 6:30
“well, that’s it,” he said,
“it’s over.”
“thanks, Gene.”
“sure, see you
he walked into his
