On Your Case
eBook - ePub
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On Your Case

Lisa Green

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  1. 400 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfĂŒgbar
eBook - ePub
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On Your Case

Lisa Green

Angaben zum Buch

Über dieses Buch

Television legal analyst and attorney Lisa Green offers something new: a witty, direct and empowering legal guide for women, filled with accessible information they can employ to understand and respond to common legal issues throughout their lives, from dating, marriage, and kids to jobs, retirement, aging parents, and wills.

Lisa Green has an urgent message for women of all ages, especially those who consider themselves fully briefed on nutrition, personal finance, good schools, and great bargains:

What about the law?

Whether or not you invite it into your life, the law will find you. When it does, will you be ready to respond?

In On Your Case, Lisa fills a long-standing gap in women's bookshelves with a thorough, compelling and occasionally hilarious guide to the range of legal issues women can expect to confront throughout their busy lives. Leveraging her professional training as a lawyer and her personal experience as a wife, ex-wife, mother, and daughter, Lisa explains common, even complicated, legal issues in practical, easy to understand terms. Sharing true stories, from jaw-dropping court cases to her own personal challenges, Lisa explains how readers can make the best possible decisions when problems arise. And legal problems will arise, Lisa counsels, so women need to get smart, and get ready.

In her warm, yet firm, voice, Lisa guides readers through the potential legal issues around:

  • Relationships: Online dating, pre and postnuptial agreements, engagement and marriage
  • Separation and Divorce: Splitting without anxiety, child custody and support, pet custody disputes
  • Babies, Children and Teens: Pregnancy and adoption, advocating for a special needs child, misbehaving teens
  • Work: Employment and household help
  • Domestic violence
  • Social media
  • Midlife and elder care: Wills, medical decisions and power of attorney
  • Legal Help: Hiring a lawyer, DIY

As Suze Orman demystified personal finance and put women in the driver's seat of their own financial future, Lisa Green now does for the law. With On Your Case, Lisa empowers you by equipping you with the tools you need to take care of yourself, your assets, your family, and your career.

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