Woza Albert!
eBook - PDF

Woza Albert!

Percy Mtwa, Mbongeni Ngema, Barney Simon, Temple Hauptfleisch, Temple Hauptfleisch

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  1. 160 Seiten
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Woza Albert!

Percy Mtwa, Mbongeni Ngema, Barney Simon, Temple Hauptfleisch, Temple Hauptfleisch

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Über dieses Buch

Woza Albert! is one of the most popular and influential plays to have come out of the South African cultural struggle of the 1980s and a central work in the canon of South African theatre. Working with the idea of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ taking place in apartheid South Africa, the playwrights improvised a brilliant two-man show consisting of 26 vignettes, commenting on and satirising life under the apartheid regime. The play has become one of the most anthologized and produced South African plays both in South Africa, and internationally and is studied widely in schools as well as universities. This Student Edition contains a commentary and notes by Temple Hauptfleisch, Emeritus Professor at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. METHUEN DRAMA STUDENT EDITIONS are expertly annotated texts of a wide range of plays from the modern and classic repertoires. A well as the complete text of the play itself, this volume contains:
· A contextualised chronology of the play and the playwrights' lives and works
· an introductory discussion of the social, political, cultural and economic context in which the play was originally conceived and created
· a succinct overview of the creation processes followed and subsequent performance history of the piece
· an analysis of, and commentary on, some of the major themes and specific issues addressed by the text
· a bibliography of suggested primary and secondary materials.

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