Reflections on Swedish Interiors
eBook - ePub

Reflections on Swedish Interiors

Rhonda Eleish, Edie Van Breems

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  1. 256 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Reflections on Swedish Interiors

Rhonda Eleish, Edie Van Breems

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Über dieses Buch

A well-designed Swedish room, whether an antique-filled country home or a contemporary industrial loft space, has a calm and feel-good quality that literally permeates the atmosphere. See how some of the most authentic advocates of Swedish design are using these ideas in their own homes, places of pure beauty and simplicity. The fundamental concepts of Swedish design are in full play at each location featured and are important qualities to incorporate into a home-those of functionality, quality of materials, light, preservation, art, eclecticism, color, sense of place and a deep reverence for nature.

Featured in the book are projects by designers Eleish van Breems, 2Michaels, Liza Laserow, and Jonas Wickman with a look into the private homes of Barbara Paca and Philip Logan of Preservation Green, Mick Aarestrup and Paula Batali of Lief, Tara Shaw of Tara Shaw Inc., Jill Dienst of Dienst and Dotter, Ann Ljungberg and Rajesh Kumar of Just Scandinavian, international stylist Ingrid Leess, and designers Patricia Fischer of Patricia Fisher Interiors and Linda Kennedy of Meredith Baxter Home. The elements of Swedish style are broken down for the reader with inspiring photos and directives and a Resource Guide is provided for further exploration.

Forewards by Brad Ford and Keith Granet.

Rhonda Eleish and Edie van Breems are the founders of Eleish van Breems Ltd., a company whose approach to design stems from a modern application and interpretation of historic Scandinavian interiors and form. Their design work has been featured in House Beautiful, Elle Decor, Veranda, Glamour, Country Living, Gods & Goddar, and the New York Times, among others. Both live with their families in southwest Connecticut and travel extensively in Scandinavia, calling Stockholm their home away from home.

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Interior Designers and Architects

2Michaels Design
360 Central Park West, Suite 16H
New York, NY 10025
Barbara Paca and Philip Logan
Preservation Green
437 East 12th Street
New York, NY 10009
Eleish van Breems, Ltd.
P.O. Box 313
Washington Depot, CT 06794
Architecture, Development, Brokerage
520 West 27th Street, Suite 403
New York, NY 10001
Patricia Fisher
Patricia Fisher Design
East Hampton, NY
Ann Ljungberg and Rajesh Kumar
Just Scandinavian
New York, NY
Laserow Antiques & Design
200 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Paula Batali and Mick Aarestrup, Lief
642 North Almont Drive
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Linda Kennedy
Meredith Baer Home
4820 Everett Court
Vernon, CA 90058
Halper Owens Architects
225 Mill Street
Greenwich, CT 06830
18 Titus Road
Washington Depot, CT 06794
Ingrid Leess
Ingrid Leess Design
New Canaan, CT 06840
Nancy McCabe Garden Design
163 Dublin Road
Falls Village, CT 06031
Tara Shaw
Tara Shaw Maison
1240 Camp Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Jonas Wickman
Arcanum Swedish Design
+46 (0) 707 72 84 01

Artisans and Workrooms

A & D Upholstery
Custom upholstery, drapery, pillows
Woodbury, CT
Angel Threads
Custom drapery and pillows ...
