Law and Justice as Seen on TV
eBook - ePub

Law and Justice as Seen on TV

Elayne Rapping

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  1. 309 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Law and Justice as Seen on TV

Elayne Rapping

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Über dieses Buch

Law and Justice as Seen on TV examines the impact, significance, and social and political problems raised by the enormous onslaught of law-related television programming, both fiction and nonfiction, in the years since the rise of live televised trials as major media events. The book weaves together the various strands—media history and analysis, legal history and policy, and the national turn to the political right in the last decades—which gave birth to this trend and has kept it thriving and growing, by leaps and bounds, to the present day.

Beginning with the history of courtroom drama on TV and its various contradictions and shifts, since the late 1940s to the present, the book analyzes the various entertainment series and genres that have so proliferated in recent years, giving special attention to such popular and influential series as "Law and Order" and "Cops." The second section begins by charting the complex and contested history of the coming of cameras to the courtroom and the way in which that legal decision led to televised trials and to the rise of Court TV. It examines as especially interesting and important the major trials—such as those of the Menendez brothers, O.J. Simpson, and Timothy McVeigh—which helped to shape the way television came to frame trials and their social implications for public consumption. From there it examines major social issues—gender violence, youth crime, family dysfunction, victims' rights which, with the rise of the courtroom as a major political and television arena, have come to be viewed largely as legal issues to be discussed and determined in legal terms by Americans in general.

Accessible and lucid, Law and Justice as Seen on TV concludes with an examination of the broad implications of this social and cultural trend, closing with some thoughts about its expansion, on television and in the actual legal arena, during the "war on terrorism" in the wake of 9/11.

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NYU Press


ABC (network), 257
Abraham, Nathaniel, 209, 224
Abramson, Leslie, 115, 116, 129, 227
Abuse. See Domestic abuse/violence
Abuse excuse: Burmeister case, 232
derision of, 35
media discourse about, 221
Menendez brothers trials, 228, 230
Accused, The (movie), 112, 148
Adam (made-for-TV movie), 243
Adam: His Song Continues (made-for-TV movie), 243
Addams, Jane, 210
A&E (network), 13, 103, 256, 258
Aeschylus, 88 “Aesthetics of meanness,” 252
African Americans: age of newsworthy black youth, 224
America’s Most Wanted, 126
Cops, 62–63
Crime Stories, 161–162
inner-city youth, 204, 224–225, 239
news broadcasts, 61
in prison, 49, 90
Simpson trial, 122, 127
young males, 126, 194
Agency, The (series), 270
Alfieri, Tracy, 186–187
Alias (series), 270
Aliens: criminals as, 254
youth as, 204, 218, 223
All in the Family (series), 172
Ally McBeal (series), 12–13, 257
Alpert, Geoffrey, 75–76
America. See United States America at Century’s End (Wolfe), 202–203
American Detective (series), 55
America’s Most Wanted: America Fights
Back (series): blacks on, 126
crimes, 89
criminals, 75
host, 26, 243
Minority Report, 250
producer, 75
reenactments, 89, 152
tabloid series, type of, 55
Victims’ Rights movement, 243
viewers, 259, 271
Andrews, Renee, 186–187
Anne, Queen of Great Britain, 7
Aronowitz, Stanley, 49–50
Audiences: daytime talk shows, 176
as juries, 176
Lifetime’s, 140, 153
Oz’s, 279n. 21
television’s assumptions about, 171
young audiences, 173
Authority: fathers’ loss of, 214
of juries, 158–159
political theory, 143
of the state, 159
Badlands (movie), 219
“Ballad of Donald White,” 234–235
“Battered woman defense,” 138, 227
Battered woman syndrome, 109
Batterers, 182
Beauvoir, Simone de, 166
Belzer, Richard, 233
Bennett, Hettie, 164
Berlant, Lauren, 188, 245–247...
