Latino/a Popular Culture
eBook - ePub

Latino/a Popular Culture

Michelle Habell-Pallan, Mary Romero

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  1. 280 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
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eBook - ePub

Latino/a Popular Culture

Michelle Habell-Pallan, Mary Romero

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Über dieses Buch

Cover artwork by Diane Gamboa. Credit- Click here

Latinos have become the largest ethnic minority group in the United States. While the presence of Latinos and Latinas in mainstream news and in popular culture in the United States buttresses the much-heralded Latin Explosion, the images themselves are often contradictory.

In Latino/a Popular Culture, Habell-Pallán and Romero have brought together scholars from the humanities and social sciences to analyze representations of Latinidad in a diversity of genres - media, culture, music, film, theatre, art, and sports - that are emerging across the nation in relation to Chicanas, Chicanos, mestizos, Puerto Ricans, Caribbeans, Central Americans and South Americans, and Latinos in Canada.

Contributors include Adrian Burgos, Jr., Luz Calvo, Arlene Dávila, Melissa A. Fitch, Michelle Habell-Pallán, Tanya Katerí Hernández, Josh Kun, Frances Negron-Muntaner, William A. Nericcio, Raquel Z. Rivera, Ana Patricia Rodríguez, Gregory Rodriguez, Mary Romero, Alberto Sandoval-Sánchez, Christopher A. Shinn, Deborah R. Vargas, and Juan Velasco.

Cover artwork "Layering the Decades" by Diane Gamboa, 2002, mixed media on paper, 11 X 8.5". Copyright 2001, Diane Gamboa. Printed with permission.

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NYU Press


Advertising Barbie, 38, 39–41, 46, 50–54, 56–57
African descent, 25, 29, 33
Afro-Cuban All Stars, and Cuban music, 62
Afro-Cubans, and discrimination in Cuban popular music, 61, 65, 68
and Buena Vista Social Club, 61
and Castro, 66; son pieces, 61–64, 66–67
and Ibrahim Ferrer, 64
and Santería, 64
Agrón, Salvador, Broadway story of, 147, 149, 150–51, 154–56, 159. See also Capeman, The
Aguirre, Carmen, 174, 187
Alcazar, Robert, 260
Alfaro, Luis, 163, 189
Almeida, Rafael, and Major League baseball,233
and racism, 233
Ambivalence, and borderlands cinema, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79
and Latino/a identity, 73
“American,” vs. “Tropical” rap, 127
American Me, and primal scenes of colonialism, 74–55, 79, 80
and Chicano identity, 75
Amor, and Latin radios, 26, 31–32
Amor Prohibido, and Selena, 121
Anglicized image, 25, 29
Anglo audience, 243
Anzaldúa, Gloria, and borderlands theorists, 79, 80, 258
Aparicio, Frances, 163
Araiza, Beto, 163
Arsonists, 131
Art, 190, 192–94, 195–98, 200–201, 203, 206, 208
graphic, 190, 192–95, 204, 209
mestizo, 191, 209
Assimilation, 139, 154
“Authenticity,” and Broadway’s commodification of culture, 147, 149, 151, 154–55, 158–59
Barbie, 38, 39–41, 46, 50–54, 56–47
Baseball, and national identity, 225
and All-Star Games, 226
and popular culture, 226, 228
and racial system, 235
Benz, Stephen, 95
Bi-cultural identity, 174, 175, 176, 179, 182, 183
Bidi Bidi Bom Bom, and Selena, 122
Big Pun, and rap, 127–28, 130–32, 136
Billboard, ...
