eBook - ePub


A History of Race, Rights, and Riots in America

Kevin Mumford

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  1. 320 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub


A History of Race, Rights, and Riots in America

Kevin Mumford

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Über dieses Buch

Newark’s volatile past is infamous. The city has become synonymous with the Black Power movement and urban crisis. Its history reveals a vibrant and contentious political culture punctuated by traditional civic pride and an understudied tradition of protest in the black community. Newark charts this important city's place in the nation, from its founding in 1666 by a dissident Puritan as a refuge from intolerance, through the days of Jim Crow and World War II civil rights activism, to the height of postwar integration and the election of its first black mayor.

In this broad and balanced history of Newark, Kevin Mumford applies the concept of the public sphere to the problem of race relations, demonstrating how political ideas and print culture were instrumental in shaping African American consciousness. He draws on both public and personal archives, interpreting official documents - such as newspapers, commission testimony, and government records—alongside interviews, political flyers, meeting minutes, and rare photos.

From the migration out of the South to the rise of public housing and ethnic conflict, Newark explains the impact of African Americans on the reconstruction of American cities in the twentieth century.

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NYU Press


5 and 10 Cent Store, 37 440
Elizabeth Avenue, 74t 826
Units, 74t
A & E Department Stores, 37
Abudato, Stephen, 178, 207
ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), 116
Addonizio, Hugh: call for defeat of, 116
Columbus Day holiday, 29
Curvin and, 117
Humphrey on, 133
Imperiale and, 187, 188
mayoral race (1970), 198–199
relations with black community, 187
riots (1967), 129, 133
school board, 104
War on Poverty program in Newark, 107
Affirmative action, 204–205
Affirmative Action Review Council, 204
African Americans: anti-racism, 36–37
black nationalism (see Black nationalism)
black police in major cities, 203t
black radicals, 36–37
class, 5, 7, 65
deindustrialization, 101
direct action protest, 6
disillusionment with liberalism, 5–6, 108
earnings compared to white Americans, 84
economic mobility, 101
empowerment of, 6
home financing, 54–55, 244n15
hyper-masculinity, 178
men (see Black men)
mortgage rates, 244n15
Muslims (see Black Muslims)
in New Jersey (see Black New Jerseyans)
in Newark (see Black Newarkers)
occupational mobility, 65, 101–102
poverty, 160
public sector employment, 215
response to segregation, 100–101
self-destructive despair, 100–101
separatism among (see Separatism)
suburbanization, 65
unemployment, 101, 114
in Union Army, 18
VA-FHA loans, 54–55
women (see Black women)
African Roots Grocery and Produce, 162
African Shippers Transport, 162
African Spectators, 162
Afrika-Newark Festival Committee, 162
Afro-Con International, 162
Alcoholic Board of Control, 268n96
Ali, Noble Drew, 110
Alinsky, Saul, 90, 250n4
Allen, Jesse: bridging students and local blacks, 90, 172
Clinton Hill Neighborhood Council (CHNC), 90, 93
Newark Community Union Program (NCUP), 93
riots (1967), 129
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 116
American Federation of Labor, 26
American Pastoral (Roth), 1...
