Light in the Heavens
eBook - ePub

Light in the Heavens

Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad

Tahera Qutbuddin, al-Qadi al-Quda'i

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  1. 192 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Light in the Heavens

Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad

Tahera Qutbuddin, al-Qadi al-Quda'i

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Über dieses Buch

Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, wielding an authority second only to the Qur'an.

The words of Muhammad (d. 11 H/632 AD),God's messenger and prophet of Islam, have a special place in the hearts of his followers. Wielding an authority second only to the Qur'an, Muhammad’s hadith are cited by scholars as testimonial texts in a vast array of disciplines — including law, theology, metaphysics, poetry, grammar, history, and medicine — and are quoted by Muslims to one another in their daily lives.

Assembling Muhammad’s words has been a major preoccupation for scholars throughout the fourteen centuries since his death, resulting in an abundance of compilations. Among the legally-grounded collections, which aimed to guide the community in its practice of religious law and ritual worship, one which stands out in particular is Light in the Heavens ( Kitab al-Shihab ) by al-Qadi al-Quda'i (d. 454 H/1062 AD), a Shafi'i judge in the Fatimid court in Egypt. The collection’s overall conceptualization is distinctively ethical and pragmatic, and offers humanitarian lessons and practical insights with universal appeal.

From North Africa to India, generations have used Light in the Heavens as a teaching text for children as well as adults, and many of its 1200 sayings are familiar to individuals of diverse denominations and ethnicities. For Muslims—who consider Muhammad’s teachings the fount of wisdom and the beacon of guidance in all things, mundane and sublime—these sayings provide a direct window into the inspired vision of one of the most influential humans to have walked the Earth.

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abasement, §14.5
ʿAbd Allāh ibn al-ʿAbbās, 187n125
ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib, xiv
ʿAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad, xiv
ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib, xiv, §2.110, 181n55
ablution(s), §1.225, §3.12, §4.22, 183n79, 183n81. See also cleansing
Abraham (Ibrāhīm), xiv–xv, 185n102
absence, absent, xxxiii, §1.77, §2.99, §9.72, 186n117
Abū Bakr, xv
Abū Dāʾūd, xviii, xxii
Abū Hirr. See Abū Hurayrah
Abū Hurayrah, 182n66
Abū Lahab, xvi
Abū l-Saʿādāt, xxv
Abū Ṭālib, xiv, xvi
abundance, xiii–xiv, xli, §4.49
acceptance, §0.4, §7.87, 181n60
accommodating, §7.9, §§9.5–6
accountability, xv, §1.161
accumulation, §6.88
action, xv, xxiii, §3.38, §4.48, §6.44, §6.76, §6.86, 180n48, 182n72
acts, xxiii–xxiv, §1.1, §1.80, §2.75, §2.108, §2.110, §3.39, §4.48, §4.86, §§4.116–117, §9.29, 182n72, 183n83
ʿĀd, §3.5, 181n58
Adam (Ādam), xv; sons of, §1.238, §§3.40–41
adequate, §9.2, §9.25
adornment, §5.15, §16.10
adulation, §6.32
adultery, adulterer, §1.219, 179n42, 183n83
adversity, §7.71
advice, xvii, xx–xxiv, xxxviii, §0.3, §1.3, §1.10, §2.134, §3.34, §4.84, §4.104, §5.5, §5.25, §6.84, §9.59, §13.2, 187n125
advisor, §1.125, §5.25
affability, §1.153
affairs, xvii, §4.70, §4.79, §13.7
affection, xxiv, §1.21, §4.5, §4.29, §§4.35–36, §4.49, §5.30...
