Island Year
eBook - ePub

Island Year

Hazel Heckman

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  1. 269 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Island Year

Hazel Heckman

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Über dieses Buch

In her first book, Island in the Sound, Heckman brought to life Anderson Island in Puget Sound, its people, its history, and its sadly vanishing way of life. Now, in this book, she brings the same clarity of vision, warmth, and insight to the natural life of her island, recording the cycle of the seasons as an appreciative and articulate observer. This is a diary of the natural world where the same things happen again and again but are always new. Each month brings surprises, expected or not: the blossoming of the wild red flower currant in March, the appearance of a pod of killer whales in July. Mrs. Heckman's gift to the reader, as in all of the best nature writing, is to let us see it through her eyes, as if never seen before. But the developers have arrived, and the natural world of the Island is as threatened as the way of life of its people. Mrs. Heckman knows that Anderson Island is not the Grand Canyon, that its destruction will never arouse great public indignation, but while it exists as one of the 'little wild places' she is able to share it and her love for it.

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For the most part this index lists only the common names of flora and fauna. For the scientific names of plants and birds, see lists on pages 23144.
Ageratum, 155
Alder, 6, 29, 30, 35, 50, 72, 75, 83, 93, 106, 108, 124, 17273, 198, 224
Algae, 167, 168, 175, 210, 212, 213
Alward, Charles and Florence, 71
Amanita, 18990
Amsterdam Bay, 14, 20, 55, 57, 153, 223
Anemone, sun, 6, 110
Arbutus. See Madroña
Aster, 159, 165, 19495
Aurora borealis, 157
Balch Passage, 3, 9
Balsamroot, 84
Baneberry, 126, 187
Baptisia, 131
Barnacle, 8, 64, 220
Bats, 9899, 17172
Beach hopper, 64
Bean, L. L., 39
Bear, 199200
Beaver, 113
Bedstraw, 139
Bee, 103, 148
Blackberry, 21, 25, 27, 67, 72, 76, 78, 83, 93, 106, 108, 129, 130, 148, 167, 183, 224
Blackbird, red-winged, 4748, 50, 71, 124, 143
Blackcap, 28, 61, 83, 121, 148, 184, 228
Bleeding heart, 126
Blue-eyed grass, 82
Bobwhite, 37, 141
Boletus, 188, 189
Bond, Murph, 116, 141
Bracken fern, 6, 35, 66, 76, 83, 165, 183, 224
Brant, black, 121
Broom, Scotch, 12122, 197
Buchanan, Will...
