Samuel Beckett
eBook - ePub

Samuel Beckett

A Study of His Novels

Eugene Webb

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  1. 192 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfĂŒgbar
eBook - ePub

Samuel Beckett

A Study of His Novels

Eugene Webb

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Über dieses Buch

Collectively the works of Samuel Beckett, winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize for Literature, reveal a remarkable continuity of theme. Together his writings present a particular view of life and each novel constitutes part of a larger whole.

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The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
A and B (French version of Molloy)
A and C (Molloy)
Abbey Theatre, Dublin
Abel. See Christian imagery
Absurd, the: as a cultural concept
Absurdity: as theme in Watt
A la recherche du temps perdu (Proust)
Alexander of Hales
Ambrose, Father (Molloy)
Analogy, as principle in theology: Watt
Anna Livia Plurabelle (Joyce): Beckett as translator of
Antepurgatory, Dante’s
Aquinas, Saint Thomas
Archetypal patterns: Watt
Arsene (Watt)
‘Assez.’ See ‘Enough’
Astrology: in Murphy
Attachment, theme of. See Desire
Authors, Beckett’s characters as
Basil (The Unnamable)
Beatrice, Dante’s
Beckett, Samuel Barclay: biographical data
attitude toward philosophy
academic background
not a Cartesian
as the true narrator of the trilogy. See also Technique
Belacqua, Dante’s
‘Belacqua bliss’
Belacqua Shuah (More Pricks than Kicks): name derived from Dante
desire for isolation
sexual tastes
need for fellowship
physical impairments
need to keep moving
pursued by Furies
attracted by insanity
desire to return to womb
feelings about death
unconcerned with politics
concern with justice of God
attitude toward Dante
pose of self-sufficiency
implicit Cartesianism
narrator’s critical attitude toward
Bem (How It Is)
Bicycles: in More Pricks than Kicks
in Molloy
‘Bing.’ See ‘Ping’
Birth, as image; in Malone Dies
in The Unnamable
Bom (How It Is)
Bonaventura, Saint
‘Calmant, Le.’ See Stories
‘Calmative, The.’ See Stories
Calvet, Mother (Texts for nothing)
Cain. See Christian imagery
Camier (‘Mercier et Camier’): mentioned in trilogy
Carducci, GiosuĂš
Cartesian dualism: and for Beckett’s characters
Beckett’s attitude toward
implicit in thought of Belacqua Shuah
in Murphy
in Molloy, ‘The End,’ and How It Is. See also Descartes
Castle, The (Kafka)
Catholicism. See Irish Catholicism
Celia (Murphy): as parallel to Dante’s Beatrice
disaffection with life
Charcoal-burner (Molloy)
Christian imagery: purgatory
the Annunciation
Cain and Abel
two thieves
