Envisioning America
eBook - ePub

Envisioning America

New Chinese Americans and the Politics of Belonging

Tritia Toyota

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  1. 256 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Envisioning America

New Chinese Americans and the Politics of Belonging

Tritia Toyota

Angaben zum Buch

Über dieses Buch

Envisioning America is a groundbreaking and richly detailed study of how naturalized Chinese living in Southern California become highly involved civic and political actors. Like other immigrants to the United States, their individual life stories are of survival, becoming, and belonging. But unlike any other Asian immigrant group before them, they have the resources—Western-based educations, entrepreneurial strengths, and widely based social networks in Asia—to become fully accepted in their new homes.

Nevertheless, Chinese Americans are finding that their social credentials can be a double-edged sword. Their complete incorporation as citizens is bounded both by mainstream discourse in the United States, which paints them racially as perpetual foreigners, and by an existing Asian-Pacific American community not always accepting of their economic achievements and transnational ties. Their attempts at inclusion are at the heart of a vigorous struggle for recognition and political empowerment.

This book challenges the notion that Asian Americans are apathetic or apolitical about civic engagement, reminding us that political involvement would often have been a life-threatening act in their homeland. The voices of Chinese Americans who tell their stories in these pages uncover the ways in which these new citizens actively embrace their American citizenship and offer a unique perspective on how global identities transplanted across borders become rooted in the local.

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Selected Survey Results from the 2000 Democratic National Convention

From August 14 to 17, 2000, the Democratic National Convention took place at the Wilshire Grand Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. During the four days and three evenings of the convention, I attended events sponsored by the Asian Pacific Islander American Caucus of the Democratic National Committee. The events included daily caucus briefings, private meetings, luncheons, and dinners. Asian Pacific Islander (API) Democrats were randomly sampled as they entered or left these gatherings or were prevailed upon during mealtimes and between scheduled events. The four-page survey was intended for descriptive purposes only and included 26 questions relating to Asian Pacific Americans and the political process. It was formulated with assistance from Mitch Chang, James Lai, Don Nakanishi, and Paul Ong as part of a graduate research project I conducted in cooperation with the UCLA Asian American Studies Center. There were 306 individuals who answered the structured survey, although not everyone answered every question, so total numbers differ.
Ethnic Breakdown of Those Surveyed
Korean 26.2%
Chinese 22.3%
Japanese 17.9%
Filipino 16.3%
Multiple ethnicities 5.3%
Pacific Islander 1.7%
Cambodian 1.0%
Vietnamese 0.3%
Other 9.0%
United States 50.1%
Korea 20.1%
Philippines 11.0%
India 6.7%
China 3.7%
Hong Kong 2.3%
Japan 1.7%
Taiwan 1.3%
Cambodia 0.7%
Pacific Islands 0.3%
Vietnam 0.3%
Other 1.8%
Question: What is your opinion of the following statement?
APIs don’t get their money’s worth when they give money to political candidates, parties, or issues.
Agree Disagree
244 55
(81.6%) (18.4%)
Total Asian Pacific American respondents = 299.
Question: What is your opinion of the following statement?
Democratic investigators discriminated against APIs by tracking campaign contributors based solely on the fact that they had Asian surnames.
Agree Disagree
272 27
(91%) (9%)
Total Asian Pacific American respondents = 299.
Question: What is your opinion of the following statement?
Mainstream news media reports on the fund-raising investigation made few distinctions between Asians and APIs and thus often racially categorized an entire community.
Agree Disagree
290 11
(96.3%) (3.7%)
Total Asian Pacific American respondents = 301.
Question: What is your opinion of the following statement?
The fund-raising investigation reflected negatively on APIs and limited their ability to participate fully in the political process, su...
