eBook - ePub


Robin Nixon

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  1. 44 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub


Robin Nixon

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Über dieses Buch

If you are at all familiar with HTML, chances are you want to know more about the cutting-edge digital development toolbox, HTML5. Whether you are building your knowledge base from scratch or you are a seasoned user of HTML, this guide will be an excellent reference source to learn more about the changes and additions to HTML that will be affecting a browser near you!

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Many of the improvements and enhancements to HTML that have been added in HTML5 relate to JavaScript and the programming environment. Note that many of these elements require that a web page is served by a web server and may not run correctly if loaded directly from a computer file system. On local computers, you should install a web server, such as the free Zend Server CE, and serve files from http://localhost.
The <canvas> Element
The <canvas> element creates a drawing area within the browser that can be written to (and read from) using JavaScript in conjunction with a variety of attributes offering a range of drawing methods. [CFIOS]
  • addColorStop(p,c) Adds a stop color c to a gradient at position p.
  • arc(x,y,r,s,e,d) Creates an arc at position x,y with radius r, start angle s, and end angle e, in direction d.
  • arcTo(x1,y1,x2,y2,r) Creates an arc of radius r, starting at x1,y1 and ending at x2,y2.
  • beginPath() Begins a new path or resets the current path.
  • bezierCurveTo(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) Creates a Bézier curve around control points at x1,y1 and x2,y2, ending at x3,y3.
  • clearRect(x,y,w,h) Creates a clear rectangle with its top left at x,y and a width and height of w and h.
  • clip() Clips the current path to restrain the drawing area.
  • closePath() Closes the current path.
  • createImageData(w,h,i) Creates a new imagedata object with width and height w and h, optionally using image i.
  • createLinearGradient(x1,y1,x2,y2) Creates a linear gradient starting at location x1,y1 and ending at x2,y2.
  • createPattern(i,r) Creates a pattern from image i with the repeat value in r.
  • createRadialGradient(x1,y1,r1,x2, y2,r2) Creates a radial gradient with a starting point of x1,y1 with radius of r1 and ending point of x2,y2 with radius of r2.
  • drawImage(i,x,y,w,h) Places image i on the canvas at location x,y with a width and height of w and h (see also the following variation).
  • drawImage(i,x1,y1,w1,h1,x2,y2,w2, h2) Places image i on the canvas at location x2,y2 with a width and height of w2 and h2, as well as a clipping from the original image at location x1,y1 with a width and height of w1 and h1.
  • fill() Fills the area bounded by the current path.
  • fillRect(x,y,w,h) Fills a rectangle whose top left is at x,y, with a width and height of w and h.
  • fillText(t,x,y) Creates filled text using the text t with its top left at location x,y.
  • getContext(v) Returns the drawing context (usually v has the value '2d').
  • getImageData(x,y,w,h) Grabs a portion of the screen, starting at the top left position x,y with a width and height of w and h.
  • isPointInPath(x,y) Tests whether the point at x,y is in the current path.
  • lineTo(x,y) Creates a line from the current position to location x,y.
  • moveTo(x,y) Moves the current path position to location x,y.
  • putImageData(i,x,y) Inserts the image data i into the canvas with its top left at x,y.
  • quadraticCurveTo(x1,y1,x2,y2) Creates a quadratic curve from the current location to x2,y2 with a control point at x1,y1.
  • rect(x,y,w,h) Creates a rectangular path with top left at x,y and width and height of w and h.
  • restore() Restores the current drawing context.
  • rotate(r) Rotates an element by r radians (where a radian is 180/π).
  • save() Saves the current drawing context.
  • scale(h,v) Scales an element horizontally and vertically by factors of h and v.
  • setTransform(m11,m12,m21,m22,x,y) Resets the current transform matrix and then multiplies it by the given values: m11 represents m1,1, m12 is m1,2, m21 is m2,1, m22 is m2,2, and x and y are delta x and y (see also transform()).
  • stroke() Draws a path to the canvas.
  • strokeRect(x,y,w,h) Draws a rectangle with top left at x,y and width and height of w and h.
  • strokeText(t,x,y) Writes text t at location x,y.
  • toDataURL() Converts the canvas to a data URL suitable for use in an <img> element.
  • transform(m11,m12,m21,m22,x,y) Applies a transformation to the element using the values m11 for m1,1, m12 for m1,2, m21 for m2,1, m22 for m2,2, and x and y for delta x and y (see for more on transformation matrices).
  • translate(x,y) Moves the current origin to location x,y.
  • data[] An array holding the image data from a canvas.
  • fillStyle Specifies the type of fill color to use (may be a CSS color value, a gradient object, or a pattern object).
  • font Specifies the font to use (as a CSS font value).
  • globalAlpha A floating point value that specifies the amount of transparency to use for drawing (between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive).
  • globalCompositeOperation Specifies the way compositing should happen (supported values are copy, darker, destination-atop, destinationin, destination-out, destination-over, lighter, source-atop, source-in, sourceout, source-over, and xor).
  • height Specifies the height of an element (as a CSS value).
  • length An integer value representing the number of pixel entries in an image.
  • lineCap Specifies the way line ends should be capped (out of butt, round, and square).
  • lineJoin Specifies how lines should be connected (out of bevel, miter, and round).
  • lineWidth An integer value specifying the width of a line in pixels.
  • miterLimit An integer value specifying the extent of a miter joint in pixels.
  • shadowBlur The number of pixels over which to blur a shadow’s outline.
  • shadowColor The base color to use for a shadow (as a CSS color).
  • shadowOffsetX The horizontal offset in pixels by which the shadow should be shifted to the right (or left if negative).
  • shadowOffsetY The vertical offset in pixels by which the shadow should be shifted down (or up if negative).
  • strokeStyle ...
