Accounting 1
eBook - ePub

Accounting 1

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  1. 44 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Accounting 1

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Über dieses Buch

We've taken our popular Accounting 1 guide and made it even better! Updated content and an additional panel of information not only make this an essential companion for students in introductory accounting courses, but also a refresher for those in higher level courses. In this edition you will find more coverage of the subject including expanded sections on financial statements and accounting in business, making this a study tool you won't want to be without!

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Financial Statements: Formal Reports of an Entity
Balance Sheet (Statement of Financial Position)
  1. Assets are balanced with the sum of liabilities and owners’ equity as of a specific date
  2. Prepared after the income statement and the statement of retained earnings
  3. Current assets
    1. Cash and other resources expected to be cash, sold, or used up during the normal operating cycle of the business (usually 1 year)
    2. Typical current assets: Cash, receivables, inventories, investments, supplies, and prepaid expenses
  4. Noncurrent assets
    1. Assets that are not current assets
    2. Typical noncurrent assets: Buildings, equipment, furniture, fixtures, land, natural resources, and intangible assets (patents and goodwill)
  5. Current liabilities
    1. Obligations that will be paid within the operating cycle (usually 1 year)
    2. Typical current liabilities: Accounts payable, wages and salaries payable, taxes pay­able, unearned revenues, and short-term notes payable
  6. Noncurrent liabilities
    1. Liabilities that are not current liabilities
    2. Typical noncurrent liabilities: The noncurrent portion of any payable liabilities, capi­tal leases, pension benefit obligations, and long-term obligations under product or service warranties
  7. Equity
    1. The difference between assets and liabilities
    2. Typical equity: Capital contributed by owners and retained earnings
Company Balance Sheet for Year Ended Dec. 31, 20XX ASSETS
Cash $58,280
Accounts receivable 50,300
Allowance for doubtful accounts 3,100 47,200
Notes receivable 8,000
Merchandise inventory 58,000
Prepaid insurance 6,000
Total current assets $177,480
Land $60,000
Building 110,000
Accum. depr. 65,000 45,000
Delivery truck #1 13,000
Accum. depr. 4,200 8,800
Total long-term assets 113,800
Total assets $291,280
Accounts payable $30,000
Notes payable 4,000
Salaries payable 2,000
Unearned rent 900
Total current liabilities 36,900
Notes payable 30,000
Total liabilities $66,900
Common stock, $10 par (10,000 authorized and issued) $10...
