Jenkins Fundamentals
eBook - ePub
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Jenkins Fundamentals

Accelerate deliverables, manage builds, and automate pipelines with Jenkins

Joseph Muli, Arnold Okoth

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  1. 234 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Nur im Web verfügbar
eBook - ePub
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Jenkins Fundamentals

Accelerate deliverables, manage builds, and automate pipelines with Jenkins

Joseph Muli, Arnold Okoth

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Über dieses Buch

Continuous integration with Jenkins speeds up your projects and saves you time and money

Key Features

  • Get a perfect balance of theories and hands-on activities
  • Apply continuous integration and delivery to your workflow
  • Explore concepts such as the plugin ecosystem and adaptive build parameters, among others

Book Description

Jenkins Fundamentals teaches you everything you need to know about installing, setting up, configuring, and integrating a Jenkins server with your project to speed up the product development life cycle. You will learn how to deploy via Docker and integrate with Git. Next you will move on to understanding bespoke plugins and services to further customize your workflow, and dynamically adjust your build requirements when pushing to production.

Once you have grasped the basics, you will explore user and plugin management along with updating and upgrading Jenkins. You will set up freestyle projects and views to manage your projects, followed by configuring parameters for your projects and creating upstream and downstream projects with views to visualize the projects. In addition to this, you will create a secure connection from your master to your build slaves and configure your build tasks to run on the slave.

By the end of this book, you will be able to successfully set up a Jenkins server that checks your source code repositories for changes, triggering new builds and unit tests while informing all of the key stakeholders in your organization.

What you will learn

  • Set up and deploy a Jenkins server across different platforms via Docker
  • Design development workflows that enable continuous integration and then easily integrate with Jenkins
  • Explore community plugins and use them to extend core Jenkins functionality
  • Set up a freestyle project as well as a view to manage your projects
  • Understand source control and pipelines, and build parameters in the context of Git and Jenkins
  • Configure general-purpose freestyle projects, or use more formal pipeline-driven implementation
  • Explore concepts such as the plugin ecosystem and adaptive build parameters, among others
  • Apply continuous integration and delivery to your workflow

Who this book is for

Jenkins Fundamentals is for you if you are a software developer, with prior experience in application development, looking to build and transition to a more centrally managed deployment process.

This book is ideal if you need a real-world introduction to continuous delivery, with a view to setting up and using Jenkins as a tool for your own software development life cycle.

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