You Can't Talk to Me That Way!
eBook - ePub
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You Can't Talk to Me That Way!

Stopping Toxic Language in the Workplace

Arthur H. Bell

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  1. 224 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub
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You Can't Talk to Me That Way!

Stopping Toxic Language in the Workplace

Arthur H. Bell

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Über dieses Buch

You Can't Talk to Me That Way!: Stopping Toxic Language in the Workplace stands up to verbally abusive bosses, co-workers, and others and says, "Enough!" It shows readers exactly what to say and do to end the humiliation and torment. Real injury-deep wounds and lasting pain-occurs as a result of verbal insults, putdowns, and ridicule in the workplace. This book is for anyone who has become discouraged, withdrawn and isolated at work due to verbal attacks-or, just as often, has been provoked into shouting matches and verbal confrontations with his or her attacker.

Toxic language in the workplace causes people to withhold their best effort, transfer to a different division, or quit outright. Productivity and team spirit wither under a cloud of language meant to humiliate, hurt, and demean. To all those who spew such language at their co-workers, subordinates, and bosses, this book insists "You Can't Talk to Me That Way!"

You Can't Talk to Me That Way!: Stopping Toxic Language in the Workplace:

  • Presents a set of personal strategies for ending verbal assault and recovering from its effects
  • Investigates the motives and methods of verbal attackers: who they are, how they operate, and why they torture others by verbal assaults
  • Examines the psychology and circumstances of those targeted for verbal assault
  • Suggests specific, practical steps companies can take to become aware of destructive environments and act quickly and legally to combat them
  • Makes readers aware of their legal options if toxic language at work is damaging their reputations, career progress, and/or physical or psychological well-being
  • Offers a vision of the compatible, decent workplace where employees can do their best work without fear of demeaning verbal assaults from work associates at any level

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