Don't Count the Yes's, Count the No's
eBook - ePub

Don't Count the Yes's, Count the No's

Warren Greshes

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eBook - ePub

Don't Count the Yes's, Count the No's

Warren Greshes

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Über dieses Buch

Selling is rejection, plain and simple. The top salespeople can deal with it, the rest can't. Ask any sales VP or sales manager, and they'll all tell you the same thing. The biggest reason their salespeople do not bring in enough business is that they don't see enough people.They don't see enough people because they fear rejection.They fear rejection because they don't know how much rejection they need.In this book, you will learn the five important areas of prospecting and learn how to control the conversation while anticipating and turning around objections better than ever. You will be given a simple, easy-to-use call-counting system that will allow you to know your success ratios for every step of the sales process. This call counting system will teach how to handle rejection better than you ever have, which will enable you to:Make more callsSpeak to more decision makersSell more appointments, and make more presentationsClose more sales and make more money

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Action Guide to Effective Prospecting

Book Title Page
Book Title Page

The 30-Second Script

Many salespeople make several big mistakes that can be easily corrected.
1. They don’t decide who to call until they’re actually making their calls.
2. They aren’t clear on the purpose of their call.
3. They don’t use a script. They have not practiced it or rehearsed it. Therefore, they are unprepared and unable to be clear, concise, and to the point.
It follows then that in order to make a significant difference in your success ratio on the phone, (the number of contacts that result in actual appointments) you need to do three things:
1. Prepare a list in advance of contacts to call.
2. Be clear on the sole purpose of your call (to make an appointment).
3. Prepare, practice, and rehearse a script that also includes prepared responses to your most common objections.
The first two things above must be done at another time. However, the third, the preparation of the script, you must do right now. Remember the primary benefits of a script?
1. It allows you to control the conversation
2. It allows you to speak on the phone without having to think of what you are going to say.


On this page you will find the structural skeleton for your script. As you prepare it, visualize yourself talking to the prospect on the telephone.
1. Introduce yourself and your company:
(Prospect’s Name)
2. Repeating the prospect’s name, give the reason for your call and one benefit to the prospect for seeing you.
(Prospect’s Name) I’m calling because ”
3. Repeat the prospect’s name and ask a “yes” question:
(Prospect’s Name) ?”
If the prospect says “no,” say:
“Thank you very much, (Prospect’s Name) . Have a good day.” Hang up.
4. With a “yes” response, show Enthusiasm and ask for a specific appointment (day and time):
5. Plan your quick wrap up of your call: “Thank you, Prospect’s Name), I look forward to talking with you on (date) at (time).”
(This is the time to confirm the date and time of your appointment. Avoid calling the day of the appointment to confirm, giving your prospect an opportunity to say, “Glad you called…! just can’t make it…”).


Remember, the best way to handle an objection is Repeat, Reassure, and Resume.
1. Repeat the objection.
2. Reassure the prospect that it’s OK to feel that way.
3. The resume.
Now write the three most common objections you hear below. Then, write your planned turnaround below to each of the objections.
Objection #1:
1. Repeat & Respond
(Prospect’s Name)
2. Resume
(Prospect’s Name) , can we get together next_____at ?”
Objections #2:
1. Repeat & Respond
(Prospect’s Name)
2. Resume
(Prospect’s Name) , can we get together next_____at ?”
Objection #3:
1. Repeat & Respond
(Prospect’s Name)
2. Resume
(Prospect’s Name) , can we get together next_____at ?”
Congratulations! You’re now prepared for your phone prospecting!
You will find it very helpful to retype this script, using all capital letters and double spacing. Try to include everything on one sheet of paper. If it doesn’t completely fit with the...
