The Battle of the Atlantic
eBook - ePub

The Battle of the Atlantic

The Longest Campaign of World War II


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  1. English
  2. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  3. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

The Battle of the Atlantic

The Longest Campaign of World War II


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Über dieses Buch

Keen to learn but short on time? Get to grips with the events of the Battle of the Atlantic in next to no time with this concise guide. provides a clear and engaging analysis of the Battle of the Atlantic. At 9pm on 3 September 1939, the longest campaign of the Second World War began. Germany aimed to use its navy and air force to gain supremacy in the Atlantic Ocean and prevent the British from receiving aid, thereby forcing them to surrender. However, the Germans did not foresee the power of the Allied forces, who mobilised extraordinary means to succeed in the liberation of occupied Europe. In just 50 minutes you will:
•Understand the events leading up to the battle and the significance of naval warfare during the Second World War
•Identify the main commanders and leaders on both sides
•Analyse the outcome of the battle and its contribution to the defeat of Germany in 1945 ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | History & Culture
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