Summary: The Internet Publicity Guide
eBook - ePub

Summary: The Internet Publicity Guide

Review and Analysis of Shiva's Book

BusinessNews Publishing

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eBook - ePub

Summary: The Internet Publicity Guide

Review and Analysis of Shiva's Book

BusinessNews Publishing

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Über dieses Buch

The must-read summary of V. A. Shiva's book: `The Internet Publicity Guide: How to Maximize Your Marketing and Promotion in Cyberspace`.

This complete summary of the ideas from V. A. Shiva's book `The Internet Publicity Guide` shows how the internet has become a part of the communications revolution, offering individual consumers the ability to have personalised multimedia communications with other people or companies anywhere in the world. In this book, the author explains that your ultimate goal should be to build profitable relationships by communicating your Web presence to others on the internet and getting qualified visitors to visit your site. This summary explains exactly how you can do that and succeed at internet publicity with helpful tips and strategies that you can apply to your business.

Added-value of this summary:
• Save time
• Understand key concepts
• Expand your knowledge

To learn more, read `The Internet Publicity Guide` and find out how you can enhance your online image and promote your products.

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Summary of The Internet Publicity Guide (V.A. Shiva)


Main Idea
Before anyone can develop a worthwhile Internet specific publicity strategy, they have to become familiar with what the Internet is, what it can and cannot do and how people and businesses go about establishing residence on the Internet.
The key principles of the Internet are:
  1. How the Internet is structured
  2. Seven basic Internet concepts
  3. Tools of the Internet based trade
  4. How to get on to the Internet
  5. Being on the Internet
  6. Setting up shop on the Internet
  7. Security and copyright Issues
Supporting Ideas

1. How the Internet evolved

In the 1960s, the U.S. Department of Defense developed a computer based communication system to control its armed forces. In 1964, they realized that if they had one central point for their system, all an enemy had to do was destroy that point for the system to be rendered ineffective. Therefore, they developed a computer based communication system based on the peer-to-peer concept – that is, there is no central office and every computer on the system can communicate with every other.
In 1969, a recommendation was made to build a peer-to-peer network using packet switching technology – a telecommunications standard which splits data into small packets of information that can travel by different routes to be assembled in order at the destination. The first network built (in 1969) was called ARPANET, and it used peer-to-peer communications and packet switching. ARPANET was used by military bases, universities and companies with U.S. Defense Department contracts.
In 1984, ARPANET split into two separate networks: MILNET for military use, and the Internet for educational use. Many other independent computer networks started applying for permission to connect to the Internet, so in 1991, the Internet was made available to the general public.
The Internet is based around common standards and protocols. Every computer connected to the Internet is assigned a unique identification number – four numbers separated by periods e.g. Since that system is excellent for machines but difficult for humans, a domain naming system is used in which each i.d. number is assigned a name – at least two pieces of information separated by a period e.g.,
In the 1990s, the concept of the World Wide Web (WWW) was developed. Essentially, the WWW has made the Internet accessible to the general (non-technical) public. The WWW is a method of organizing information on the Internet and linking pieces of information together. A Web site can be developed by anyone, stored on a computer linked to the WWW and downloaded and viewed by any other person anywhere in the world with access to the Internet. All types of information – text, graphics, sound, video – can be made available via a WWW web site on the Internet.

2. Seven basic Internet concepts

  1. The Internet is a means to an end and not an end in and of itself. It is a communication system in which every member can both send and receive information.
  2. Every user is equal on the Internet, irrespective of and independent of traditional factors such as resources, physical location, etc.
  3. The Internet is not under the control of anyone – no official or government approvals are required to use or do business over the Internet.
  4. Community standards have evolved with regards to the Internet, and you need to become familiar with these standards if you intend succeeding.
  5. The Internet is people-based, not government-based.
  6. The Internet is a level playing field. The traditional prejudices with respect to nationality or background are irrelevant.
  7. A culture has developed around the use of the Internet which must be respect if you expect to succeed in any Internet based business venture.

3. Tools of an Internet based trade

The basic tools that are used in executing an Internet based publicity plan are:
  1. E-Mail: Electronic Mail
    E-mail is a way to send electronic messages using the Internet, ...
