Manga Art for Intermediates
eBook - ePub

Manga Art for Intermediates

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Manga Drawings

Danica Davidson, Rena Saiya

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  1. 999 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Manga Art for Intermediates

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Manga Drawings

Danica Davidson, Rena Saiya

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Über dieses Buch

Bring your own manga characters to life!
With millions of fans around the world, manga is a beloved art form. Now you, too, can learn how to draw your favorite characters from Japanese comics and anime! Manga Art for Intermediates shows you how to draw detailed clothing, facial expressions, and other features, like hair and accessories. With gradual steps and helpful tips, this book will have you creating your own colorful characters in no time at all!
Learn to draw:

  • Gothic Lolita
  • Shonen Hero
  • Bride
  • Groom
  • Nekojin ("cat people")
  • Yokai
  • Victorian Man
  • Female Warrior

  • The authors have done all the work for you. Just follow their simple, straightforward instructions, study the step-by-step drawings, and you'll soon have your own collection of fantastic manga characters!

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Shojo means “girl” in Japanese and refers to a style of manga aimed for teenage girls. Often the heroines of these stories are teenage girls themselves, like this one.
1. Start with the rough sketch of her body, possibly using blue lead. Draw these lines across her face to help you with positioning her facial features. Note that the waist will turn in more than a man’s waist would.
2. From here on, use the basic outline to guide you. Begin to fill out the face. Draw the line of her face and the first basic circles for her eyes with the pupils. Gently draw in the nose and mouth. You can use gray lead for these details and as you continue. Try not to draw too thickly at this phase.
3. Begin on the hair. It’s important to find a starting point, because all hair will sweep away from here. Add in the bangs, keeping in mind how they should flow from the center point.
4. Continue to draw in the hair. Again, make sure that the hair always flows from the center point. This will give the hair a flowing, natural look.
5. Start drawing her coat. With a circle and two bigger loops, you can create the bowtie at her collar.
6. Keep drawing the coat, adding in lines and buttons.
7. Draw in the hands. Hands can be tricky, so note the spacing of fingers on the left hand (your right). Her right hand is curved, so the forefinger will be the most visible, the other fingers curled behind it.
8. Draw in her skirt, doing even lines for the pleats.
9. Draw her legs, socks, and the outlines of her shoes over the original blue sketch.
10. Draw the details on the shoes.
11. Once you are happy with your drawing, it is time to ink. You can start with inking her face first, working on her eyes, nose, and mouth.
12. Draw ...
