MrExcel LIVe
eBook - ePub

MrExcel LIVe

The 54 Greatest Excel Tips of All Time

Bill Jelen

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  1. 224 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

MrExcel LIVe

The 54 Greatest Excel Tips of All Time

Bill Jelen

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Über dieses Buch

The 54 essential tips that all Excel users need to know. MrExcel LIVe provides users with a concise book that can be absorbed in under an hour. Includes a section with keyboard shortcuts. Anyone who uses Excel will be able to turn to any page and pick up tips that will save them hours of work.

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Part 1: The Top 54 Tips
#1 Double-Click the Fill Handle to Copy a Formula
You have thousands of rows of data. You’ve added a new formula in the top row of your data set, something like =PROPER(A2&" "&B2), as shown below. You now need to copy the formula down to all of the rows of your data set.
Many people will grab the Fill Handle and start to drag down. But as you drag down, Excel starts going faster and faster. Starting in Excel 2010, there is a 200-microsecond pause at the last row of data. 200 microseconds is long enough for you to notice the pause but not long enough for you to react and let go of the mouse button. Before you know it, you’ve dragged the Fill Handle way too far.
The solution is to double-click the Fill Handle! Go to exactly the same spot where you start to drag the Fill Handle. The mouse pointer changes to a black plus sign. Double-click.
Excel looks at the surrounding data, finds the last row with data today, and copies the formula down to the last row of the data set.
In the past, empty cells in the column to the left would cause the “double-click the Fill Handle” trick to stop working just before the empty cell. But as you can see below, names like Madonna, Cher, or Pele will not cause problems. Provided that there is at least a diagonal path (for example, via B76-A77-B78), Excel will find the true bottom of the data set.
In my live Power Excel seminars, this trick always elicits a gasp from half the people in the room. It is my number-one time-saving trick.
Alternatives to Double-Clicking the Fill Handle
This trick is an awesome trick if all you've done to this point is drag the Fill Handle to the bottom of the data set. But there are even faster ways to solve this problem:
  • Use Tables. If you select one cell in A1:B112 and press Ctrl+T, Excel formats the range as a table. Once you have a table, simply enter the formula in C2. When you press Enter, it is copied to the bottom.
  • Use a complex but effective keyboard shortcut. This shortcut requires the adjacent column to have no empty cells. While it seems complicated to explain, the people who tell me about this shortcut can do the entire thing in the blink of an eye.
Here are the steps:
1. From your newly entered formula in C2, press the Left Arrow key to move to cell B2.
2. Press Ctrl+Down Arrow to move to the last row with data—in this case, B112.
3. Press the Right Arrow key to return to the bottom of the mostly empty column C.
4. From cell C112, press Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow. This selects all of the blank cells next to your data, plus the formula in C2.
5. Press Ctrl+D to fill the formula in C2 to all of the blan...
