Creative Visualization
eBook - ePub

Creative Visualization

How to Unlock the Secret Powers of Mind

Andrew Wiehl

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  1. 144 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfĂŒgbar
eBook - ePub

Creative Visualization

How to Unlock the Secret Powers of Mind

Andrew Wiehl

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Über dieses Buch

"Much is said and written on the subject of visualization, but little has been told about how to visualize. My purpose is to tell how, to explain the proven methods and to give you the secrets of successful visualization."These teachings, based upon natural laws, are simple. If you will follow them faithfully, the results may seem little short of miraculous."Whether you develop genius, or near genius, or remain just where you are, depends entirely upon you. Wonders have been performed, seeming miracles wrought, through visualization. It is a God-given power available to anyone. Its effectiveness lies in its individual application."As you are given the principles, study them carefully. Absorb everything contained in each lesson given. Then start immediately to put into effect the things you have learned. Apply. Start visualizing the material things you desire. See mentally your new home or car, the money you need, or whatever it is that you earnestly wish to possess or achieve."—Andrew Wiehl

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Much is said and written on the subject of visualization, but little has been told about how to visualize. My purpose is to tell how, to explain the proven methods and to give you the secrets of successful visualization.
These teachings, based upon natural laws, are simple. If you will follow them faithfully, the results may seem little short of miraculous.
Whether you develop genius, or near genius, or remain just where you are, depends entirely upon you. Wonders have been performed, seeming miracles wrought, through visualization. It is a God-given power available to anyone. Its effectiveness lies in its individual application.
As you are given the principles, study them carefully. Absorb everything contained in each lesson given. Then start immediately to put into effect the things you have learned. Apply. Start visualizing the material things you desire. See mentally your new home or car, the money you need, or whatever it is that you earnestly wish to possess or achieve.
Before I tell you how to visualize, let me tell you the secret I, as a child, I visualized far-off America and dreamed of the day I would be there....
Let me tell you about a youngster of ten living in Bavaria, Germany, many hundreds of miles from the sea, and thousands of miles from the plains and prairies of America.
Yes, I was that child. And at an even earlier age I had begun to create and hold a picture in my mind. I never told anyone about my pictures and my dreams. Although at times the temptation to share them with someone was almost more than I could resist, yet I did not speak. I knew that my folks, being very practical and realistic, would ridicule my notions. So I kept them locked tightly in my heart.
Today, after twenty-nine years, I understand that had I spoken to anyone about my plan, it would never have materialized.
As a ten-year-old I read many books. Most of the stories I read and enjoyed were about the wild West of America, the Indians, the cowboys, and prairies. Constant reading developed my imagination and in time my mind was made up to go to the western part of the United States.
Night after night, while in bed (and supposedly asleep), I would picture in my mind the prairies, woods and hills, and mentally see myself roaming the open spaces.
Unwittingly I charged my subconscious mind with the thought of being there, for I consciously spoke the words: “I am in America, I am over there.”
Never having seen these places, I had to create the picture out of my own imagination. And I held that image in my mind throughout all the years to come. HOW I was ever to get to America never once entered my mind. I just knew I was going there!
As the years passed, while holding the thought of going to America, a sudden desire seized me: While going to America, I would also see Japan.
At the age of fourteen I asked my parents for permission to study the English language, which they gladly granted.
Friends and acquaintances, hearing of this, were scornful: “Hm! studying English, just wasting money. It’ll never do him any good.”
Often I was tempted to defend myself by telling them I was preparing myself so that, when I reached America, I would know something about the language. But I did not. I remained silent and let them have their fun.
When I reached the age of seventeen, I left home and traveled from state to state, city to city, to see something of my own country. I worked here and there, wherever and whenever I could get a job.
This trip was planned two weeks ahead with two of my best friends who were to go along with me. However, on the last day they changed their plans, leaving me to go on alone. But I refused to let this dampen my spirits.
Continuous visualization of that one and only objective (that of seeing America), had developed the determination to travel. In fact I became too restless to remain at any one place for long. And although it had hurt me to go alone, the urge to travel would not be denied. My studies for the time were discontinued. With the approach of winter I received a letter from my mother asking me to return home for the winter months.
This I did. But the following spring (1922), now eighteen years of age, I was ready to leave once more, this time for good.
Previous to my leaving home, several of my friends who had gone to Hamburg to get a ship to go to sea returned saying gloomily: “It’s impossible to get a ship. There are too many experienced seamen out of work. And able seamen are on the preferred lists.”
When I told them that I wanted to go to Hamburg (I still didn’t mention America), they tried hard to dissuade me, but did not succeed. They had, however, implanted in my mind a barrier, and for the first time I almost doubted whether my plan would be successful.
Even to my own family, when they inquired as to what my intentions were, all I ever told them was: “I have an aim, but I cannot tell you what it is.” All they knew was that I wanted to go to Hamburg, Germany’s largest harbor.
I arrived in Hamburg by train and after finding a place to stay, decided to look the town over a couple of days.
On the third day I went to the seamen’s hiring hall. It was crowded with unemployed men. Going to the clerk at the window, I stated my request. He asked me a number of questions, the first of which was: had I ever been on a ship? Ever been on the ocean? Ever been seasick? As all my answers were negative, the clerk said:
“Young man, we have thousands of seamen out of work, men with fifteen and twenty years’ experience. We cannot take care of them. My advice to you is to go home where you came from. I am very sorry.” Looking around the hall I realized that there wasn’t a chance in a million for me ever to get a ship. So I decided to get a job somewhere else for the time being.
Times were hard in Hamburg and unemployment was high. To get a job it was necessary to go to the employment office and register and then wait your turn to be called. This might take weeks or even months.
Well, I had very little money left and in order to eat and have a place to sleep, I had to find work. If I went home I would not only be the laughing stock of the neighborhood but my whole plan would blow up. I decided, “No, I am not going to be a quitter.”
A couple of days later in a restaurant, by mere chance, I met an old man who seemed to take a liking to me. He said:
“I can get you a job.” He told me he knew the owner of a barge who was looking for a young, husky youngster like myself. I explained to him that I wasn’t interested in working on a barge but I would like a job close to the seamen’s hiring hall, just in case something turned up. I preferred a job in the city.
“I tell you, young man,” my new-found friend continued: “Once you’ve worked on a barge you can always get a job as a seaman on any big ship. So you see, it is to your own advantage.”
Put that way, it looked pretty good to me. Next day he introduced me to the skipper-owner, and I had my first job in Hamburg—on a barge.
There were three of us. The skipper, a man named Hans and myself. Hans and I shared the same cabin while the skipper slept at the opposite end of the barge. There are many of these barges in Germany. They haul goods from one state to another.
We each had to do our own cooking and although I went hungry more than once I kept thinking here is where I get my first training as an apprentice seaman. For my daily menu I peeled three potatoes, cut them into quarters, added some salt and water and boiled them. When the potatoes were done I added two bouillon cubes, and my soup was ready. Into a frying pan I put a little lard and a little flour and did the best I could to make some gravy for my potatoes. I didn’t know a thing about cooking and never went to the trouble to learn.
We made one trip to Berlin and returned to Hamburg. Although I liked the work, I couldn’t see any future in it, and to keep on doing my own cooking was too much for me. Having accumulated a little money, I quit my job.
Going back to the seamen’s hiring hall I tried my luck once more. I told them I had worked on a barge, but was told: “That doesn’t mean a thing. Anybody can do that kind of work with no experience.” A couple of boys who had overheard, stepped up and asked me if I was looking for a boat. When I said I was, they told me: “They need a first mate at the other window over there. See if you can get on.”
I was so excited I couldn’t think. I dashed over to the other window and asked for the job. The clerk looked at me, then said: “Those boys are just having a little fun with you.” Then it dawned on me and I felt pretty silly. Without another word, I walked out of the hall.
For several days I hung around that hiring hall. One day as I was leaving, a seaman approached me.
“Son, are you looking for a ship?” he asked. I told him I was and he said: “I can get you one. In fact the Kanto (not the real name), is going to dock tomorrow afternoon and I know the captain well. If I tell him you are a friend of mine he will give you a job.”
This seaman, whose name was Fritz and who was between thirty-five and forty years old, took me to a restaurant and introduced me to the proprietor. “Wilhelm,” he shouted to the proprietor, “I am going to get this boy a ship.” Wilhelm looked at me and he must have felt sorry for me because he said, “He can’t get you a boat.”
His expression told me that he meant well and seemed to have contempt for Fritz. I’ve always listened to advice, whether good or bad, and now resolved to listen but to be on guard. Fritz asked me to buy lunch and drinks, which I did, gladly.
A little later two other seamen joined us. During their conversation, I heard one of the men say that Wilhelm had some sort of connection and would be in a position to help a fellow get a ship. After lunch I parted from Fritz, promising to see him again the next day.
The following morning I paid for his breakfast, and later for his lunch and drinks. In the afternoon we took one of the launches that make the rounds to the different piers where ocean-going vessels are docked. Fritz asked a watchman for information and was told that the Kanto had pulled out several hours earlier, but the Ranny (not the real name) would be due here at Pier 8 in two days, and he also knew her captain. He said he was sure I could get on that one. I promised to meet him somewhere downtown the following morning.
Arriving at the appointed place next day, I saw Fritz talking to two young fellows. His back was toward me and he didn’t see me. I heard him telling those boys the same story he had told me. I was convinced then that Wilhelm was right and that Fritz was preying upon young, inexperienced boys, getting all he could out of them in the way of food and drinks.
Going back to the restaurant, I asked Wilhelm if he would help me get a ship. He refused politely, saying he had no connections and was unable to aid me in this r...
