Analytical Chemistry
eBook - ePub

Analytical Chemistry

A Chemist and Laboratory Technician's Toolkit

Bryan M. Ham, Aihui MaHam

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eBook - ePub

Analytical Chemistry

A Chemist and Laboratory Technician's Toolkit

Bryan M. Ham, Aihui MaHam

Angaben zum Buch

Über dieses Buch

A comprehensive study of analytical chemistry providing the basics of analytical chemistry and introductions to the laboratory

  • Covers the basics of a chemistry lab including lab safety, glassware, and common instrumentation
  • Covers fundamentals of analytical techniques such as wet chemistry, instrumental analyses, spectroscopy, chromatography, FTIR, NMR, XRF, XRD, HPLC, GC-MS, Capillary Electrophoresis, and proteomics
  • Includes ChemTech an interactive program that contains lesson exercises, useful calculators and an interactive periodic table
  • Details Laboratory Information Management System a program used to log in samples, input data, search samples, approve samples, and print reports and certificates of analysis

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The analytical chemist and technician are an invaluable part of the chemistry laboratory. He/she is charged with performing analyses, updating records, taking inventory, documenting projects, keeping the laboratory clean, updating instrumentation and analyses, making sure the laboratory is safe, and giving support to the chief chemist. Choosing a career as a chemist or technician in any type of laboratory, such as environmental, petroleum, contract, medical, clinical, or biological to name a few, can be very rewarding. Some positions are more demanding than others, but most are challenging. New methods are often needed to be learned or developed. New instrumentation is needed to be set up and used. The chemist and technician also need to keep track of the testing that is being performed and documenting results.


1.2.1 Computers in the Laboratory

The technicians and chemists in laboratories today are also routinely using computers on a daily basis. Computers are used to control instrumentation and record the data that are being produced. The instrument vendors also often have their own software used for their instruments that the technician, chemist, or laboratory worker needs to learn and use on a routine, daily basis. The personal computer is also used by the chemist and technician on a daily basis for entering laboratory data and writing reports. It is pretty safe to say that most students today have been introduced to the basic operations of the personal computer.

1.2.2 Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)

A very useful computer program found in most laboratories today is the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). LIMS is used to input data, track sample progress, record sample data, such as company, type, and tests needed. In Chapter 12, we will be introduced to a LIMS example that we will use to log in samples, input data, search samples, approve samples, and print reports and certificates of analysis (C of A). Also becoming more common in laboratories are electronic laboratory notebooks, and we will take a brief look at using them.


1.3.1 Introduction to ChemTech

This textbook is a comprehensive study of analytical chemistry as it pertains to the laboratory analyst and chemist. There are numerous chapters in the textbook devoted to the basics of analytical chemistry and introductions to the laboratory. This textbook includes an interactive program called ChemTech for chemists and laboratory technicians. The program acts as a learning aid as we move through the various aspects of analytical chemistry, laboratory work, and the needed skills to be learned. The ChemTech program has reference tables and an interactive periodic table. It has a link to a LIMS program that we will learn to use. The program also has a review of most of the chapters in this textbook. The combination of the ChemTech program and the chapters in this textbook can prepare the student for a rewarding career as a chemist or a laboratory technician. Opening ChemTech

Please follow Appendix VI for installing programs. Let us begin by opening ChemTech by inserting the CD/DVD disk that came with the textbook into your CD/DVD player. The ChemTech program should automatically start, and the main introduction page should look like that found in Figure 1.1. Go down to the bottom right of the page and click on the button “Main Menu.” This will open up a page that includes many of the chapters present in the textbook. A link to each chapter is located in the box. Clicking on one of the buttons next to each chapter will open up pages associated with each chapter topic. Located to the right of the page are links to calculators, an interactive periodic table, and some reference tables (Fig. 1.2).
FIGURE 1.1 The ChemTech programs introduction page when it is first opened. The buttons to the bottom right will exit the program or take the user to the main menu of ChemTech.
FIGURE 1.2 ChemTech Main Menu Page. The boxed-in area contains links to the various chapters covered in the textbook. To the right are links to calculators, reference tables, and an interactive periodic table. Interactive Periodic Table

Let us start by clicking the interactive periodic table button to open up the table. Once opened, the page should look like that in Figure 1.3. If you click on an element, a new page will open with facts about the element. Ten of the elements, listed at the bottom of the page, include a rotatable movie of the element. Click on the carbon “C” element to open its fact page. Different facts about the element are listed along with general information about the element. The page should look like the one in Figure 1.4. This is the same for each of the element pages in the periodic table. Also included are pictures of various representations of the elements. Take a few minutes to look at some of the other element information pages. Always re...
