Leading for Learning
eBook - ePub

Leading for Learning

How to Transform Schools into Learning Organizations

Phillip C. Schlechty

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eBook - ePub

Leading for Learning

How to Transform Schools into Learning Organizations

Phillip C. Schlechty

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À propos de ce livre

Leading for Learning

Written by acclaimed school reform advocate Phillip C. Schlechty, Leading for Learning offers educators the framework, tools, and processes they need to transform their schools from bureaucracies into dynamic learning organizations. Schlechty explains how to move beyond some of the deeply ingrained and negative conceptions of schooling that guide so much of their practice. He shows educators how they can take advantage of new learning technologies by increasing their organization's capacity to support continuous innovation.

"Clearly not for the fainthearted, Schlechty's engrossing appraisal of American education calls for a bold, truly fundamental transformation of how we run our public schools. Some books are thought-provoking; this one is action-provoking." — W. JAMES POPHAM, professor emeritus, UCLA

"Dr. Schlechty has once again written an insightful book that educational leaders can use as a road map in transforming our schools into learning organizations designed to serve twenty-first century students." — DR. RANDY BRIDGES, superintendent, Alamance-Burlington School System, NC

"Because education is ultimately a community responsibility, Schlechty's proposal to shift school systems from bureaucracies to learning organizations can open doors to citizens who are frustrated by the bureaucracy in their efforts to reclaim their role in education. This book is as much for them as it is for professional educators." — DAVID MATHEWS, president, Kettering Foundation

"Anyone in a school leadership position—from the board room to the classroom—should read this engaging and thought-provoking book. It's a must-read for all immersed in or contemplating the transformation of public education." — CLAUDIA MANSFIELD SUTTON, chief communications and marketing officer, American Association of School Administrators

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