Zombie Banks
eBook - ePub

Zombie Banks

How Broken Banks and Debtor Nations Are Crippling the Global Economy

Yalman Onaran

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eBook - ePub

Zombie Banks

How Broken Banks and Debtor Nations Are Crippling the Global Economy

Yalman Onaran

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An in-depth look at the problems surrounding zombie banks and their dangerous effect on the global economy

"The title is worthy of a B movie, but it's also apt. Bloomberg News reporter Yalman Onaran, supported by former U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. chief Sheila Bair - who provides a foreword and numerous interviews - urge that insolvent banks both small and too big to fail be allowed to do precisely that. Reading bank balance sheets is not everyone's idea of a good time. But Mr. Onaran, with support from Ms. Bair, does the chore and explains what it means. Mr. Onaran shows that the process of rescuing dead and dying banks is increasing systemic risk in the global banking system. And that is really more frightening than scream flicks from Tinseltown." -- Financial Post

"Yalman Onaran knows of putrid financial institutions, having written about them in his native Turkey so successfully he brought down a few in Istanbul in the late '90's." -- Huffington Post

"Do We Love Zombie Banks? The new book by Yalman Onaran of Bloomberg News, Zombie Banks: How Broken Banks and Debtor Nations Are Crippling the Global Economy, is a well-organized and clearly written discussion of the use of leverage to provide growth in many different economies. Onaran has carefully researched the zombie phenomenon and makes some important points in this concise volume about both public policy and the concerns of investors. One of the more interesting early threads in the book is the juxtaposition of the experience of the US in the S&L crisis and Japan in the 1980s and 1990s with the US today. Zombie Banks is a good review of the latest thinking about the ebb and flow of the political economy." -- R. Christopher Whalen, author of Inflated

Zombie banking has become standard operating procedure for big debtor nations. They prop up failing institutions, print money, and avoid financial corrections. But in an attempt to prolong the inevitable, bigger problems are created. The approach used now has not, and will not, work. This timely book reveals why. Zombie Banks tells the story of how debtor nations and failing institutions are damaging the long-term prospects of the global economy.

Author Yalman Onaran, a veteran Bloomberg News reporter and financial banking sector expert, examines exactly what a zombie bank is and why they are kept alive. He also discusses how they hurt economic recovery and what needs to be done in order to restore stability. Along the way, Onaran takes an honest look at how we arrived at this point and details the harsh realities that must be faced, and the serious steps that must be taken, in order to get things headed in the right direction.

  • Puts insolvent banks and debtor nations in the spotlight and examines how they are crippling the global economy
  • On the record sources include Paul Volcker, Joseph Stiglitz, Sheila Bair, and many more bank executives, regulators, politicians, and policymakers in the United States and abroad
  • Takes the complexity of the current situation and translates it in a way that makes it understandable

While the short-term measures taken to stave off depression and rejuvenate economic growth may offer hope, they are unsustainable over the long term. Get a better look at what really lies ahead, and what it will take to improve our economic situation, with this book.

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Bloomberg Press
Chapter 1
Zombies in Our Midst
I will break in the doors of hell and smash the bolts; There will be confusion of people, those above with those from the lower depths.
I shall bring up the dead to eat food like the living; And the hosts of dead will outnumber the living!
—The Epic of Gilgamesh, ∌2700–2300 B.C.
The reason most people today are so scared of zombies could be a fluke of translation. The idea of the flesh-eating zombie depicted in modern-day books and movies originates from a 5,000-year-old epic, in which the goddess of love asks the father of gods to create a drought to punish the man who rejected her love. She then threatens to stir up the dead if her wish isn’t granted. Written in Sumerian, Babylonian, and other ancient languages, naturally there are multiple versions of the epic poem and different translations of those variations. While many translations depict zombies eating food “with” or “like” the living, some drop the preposition all together and have the creatures of the underworld eating humans directly. Zombie banks may not eat people or other banks, but their harm to society, the financial system, and the economy is just as scary.
The origins of the term zombie bank are much more recent than the Epic of Gilgamesh. The expression was first used by Boston College professor Edward J. Kane in an academic paper published in 1987. It referred to the savings and loans institutions in the United States that were insolvent but allowed to stay among the living by their regulators turning a blind eye to their losses.1 The term gained prominence in the next decade when it was more widely used to denote Japanese banks, whose refusal to face their losses and clean up their balance sheets was blamed for the industrialized nation’s so-called Lost Decade. During the financial crisis in 2008, bloggers, columnists, analysts, and even politicians began using it when talking about the weakest banks in the United States and Europe.
In its simplest form, zombie bank refers to an insolvent financial institution whose equity capital has been wiped out so that the value of its obligations is greater than its assets. The level of capital is crucial for banks, more so than for non-financial companies, because in the event of bankruptcy, a bank’s assets lose value faster and to a bigger extent. Thus, when a bank’s equity declines significantly due to losses, its creditors panic and head for the door (deposits are insured in most Western economies, so depositors don’t run away as easily). Capital is the size of the buffer that protects creditors of a bank from losses.
Even though technically, wiped out capital means bankruptcy and rules in many countries require the authorities to seize a lender in such a condition and wind it down, history is full of examples when that was not done. The dead bank is, instead, kept among the living through capital infusions from the government, loans from the central bank, and what is generally referred to as regulatory forbearance—that is, giving the lender leeway on postponing the recognition of losses.2 The intention is that economic conditions will improve and losses will be reversed; the bank will be able to make profits over time to cover the remaining losses and return to health.
Yet, there are many shades of gray when it comes to identifying insolvent banks. Publicly available balance sheets don’t always tell the whole truth. Kane, who was born during the Great Depression, says the outside estimates about a bank’s capital position can’t be exact, so when those estimates teeter near the point of insolvency, the bank will have a hard time borrowing new money. “You shouldn’t think of zombieness as just a one-zero event, that a bank is or isn’t, and that you can prove it,” Kane says. “When the estimates of the bank’s capital fall near the negative area, then people are not going to lend money to them at reasonable rates. Only the taxpayer will do that.”
According to R. Christopher Whalen, investment banker and author, a bank doesn’t have to be insolvent at all points in time to be called a zombie. Since early 2009, Whalen has been using the term to refer to the weakest U.S. banks. “When a firm fails and is brought back from the dead by the government and kept alive by ongoing support, then that’s a zombie,” Whalen says. The institution’s true return to health can only be tested when all government backing is off and it can stand on its own, he adds. “These zombies don’t eat people, they eat money,” Whalen wrote in March 2009.3 So we don’t have to worry about which version of the Epic of Gilgamesh to believe; it’s the taxpayer money that zombie banks eat and that’s where their harm to society is.
Because today’s banks are like black boxes, keeping many of their inner workings to themselves, it’s impossible to know whether they’re zombies for sure. Thomas M. Hoenig, who was a bank examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City before becoming its president, says he could only tell whether some of today’s weakest banks are zombies if he could go in and examine them in the same detailed way. But it’s not even possible to examine the largest institutions, at least not in the detail Hoenig would like; if the same resources deployed to study the books of a small community bank were used for Citigroup, the third largest U.S. bank, 70,000 examiners would be needed, according to a Kansas City Fed analysis. About 20 inspectors try to do that job now on behalf of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and another 70 from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the two regulators responsible for monitoring Citigroup.
The Art of Keeping Zombies Alive
When banks face death due to surging losses in a downturn or financial crisis, authorities resort to multiple tools to keep them alive. Capital injections and liquidity provision are the most common. Governments invest in troubled banks when private capital shies away from doing so due to fears of insolvency. Since the 2008 crisis started, governments from the state of Bavaria to Switzerland to the Netherlands have put some $600 billion of capital into their banks.4 Although some of that has been paid back or replaced with private funds, as was the case with the largest U.S. banks, most of it still remains, and some nations, like Ireland, were pumping new cash into their institutions as this book was being penned. Central bank lending to weak firms is also crucial—at the height of the crisis, the total lending programs of the U.S. Federal Reserve totaled $8.2 trillion, with another $8.9 trillion of funding provided by the Treasury and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC).5 While a majority of those have been wound down, $7.8 trillion were still outstanding as of October 2010, according to a tally by Nomi Prins, author of It Takes A Pillage: An Untold Story of Power, Deceit and Untold Trillions. Prins adds to that another $6.8 trillion of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae liabilities taken on by the government, arguing that the two mortgage finance giants’ rescue was, in effect, an indirect subsidy to the banks (Figure 1.1). If Freddie and Fannie had collapsed, U.S. banks would have been stuck with massive losses on their $2 trillion holdings of the two mortgage lenders’ bonds.6
Figure 1.1 U.S. government agencies’ spending to prop up the banking system and aid recipients, as of Oct. 2010.
SOURCE: Bailout Tally Report by Nomi Prins and Krisztina Ugrin.
At the end of July 2011, the European Central Bank (ECB) was still providing about $500 billion of short-term funding to the continent’s banks. Although the central banks argue such loans are backed by collateral from the banks, data released by the Fed in March 2011 showed that it allowed the use of $118 billion of junk bonds—those with non-investment-grade ratings, meaning higher risk of defaulting—as collateral by the largest banks borrowing from it.7 The same day that the Fed’s crisis lending facts were released, the ECB announced that it would suspend its requirement of accepting only investment-grade bonds as collateral to lend against Irish debt. It had exempted Greek sovereign bonds from its minimum-rating requirement a year earlier, just as rating agencies downgraded the country’s debt to below investment grade. That was akin to the ECB saying to Irish banks or others holding Irish government debt, “Don’t worry if Ireland’s sovereign risk is downgraded to junk; we’ll still accept its bonds, just like we accept Greece’s junk.” The ECB exempted Portugal’s government bonds from the rule in July 2011 when they were downgraded to junk ahead of Ireland’s debt. Ireland followed suit just a few weeks later.
The money that central banks use to stabilize markets and prevent panic also arrests the decline in asset values, even if that means a property bubble that was at the heart of the crisis to begin with cannot pop all the way. The Fed’s purchase of $1.3 trillion of mortgage bonds from January 2009 to March 2010 lowered interest rates on home loans in the United States and stopped the slide of housing prices, even if just temporarily. That slows the zombies’ bleeding from losses and lets them write some assets up in value and look solvent.
Another form of assistance to zombie banks is government backing for their debt, old and new. United States banks sold $280 billion of bonds backed by the government before the program was abolished at the end of 2009. European Union banks have used $1.3 trillion of state guarantees.8 While the explicit guarantees for the banks’ debt are being phased out in both continents, implicit guarantees remain. Because the U.S. and European governments have made it clear that they won’t let their largest institutions fail, even the weakest lenders are able to borrow private money. The German government’s implicit backing for its lenders raises the ratings of its banks by as many as eight levels, credit rating agency Moody’s Investors Service says. That means without the so-called support uplift, many would be rated below investment grade. In the United States that uplift is as high as five notches for Bank of America. Without the government backing, the bank’s rating by Moody’s would drop to just two levels above junk.9 “The litmus test to be considered truly alive is whether they’re able to function without government support of any kind,” says Whalen.
Perhaps the biggest subsidy given to all banks in Europe and the United States, though it particularly helps the zombies stay alive, is the near-zero percent interest rate policy maintained by the central banks on both sides of the Atlantic since the start of the crisis. The banks can borrow from their central bank at close to zero and then lend to their own governments at 4 to 10 percent. “That’s a backdoor subsidy, and the banks need that subsidy to repair their balance sheets,” says David Kotok, chief investment officer at Cumberland Advisors, a long-time critic of the policies. If the banks receive this cash injection long enough, they’ll be able to make enough profits to cover their losses from the crisis, some of which are still not recognized.
The delayed recognition of the losses is central to the life zombie banks live. Accounting rules are changed or suspended to let them push out some of their losses to future years; capital regulations are also put on hold to allow for time to rebuild capital; regulators reassure the public and investors that the banks are safe and sound, even when they don’t necessarily believe that. The two main agencies responsible for accounting rules in the world—the Financial Accounting Standards Board of the United States and the International Accounting Standards Board—rushed, in late 2008 to early 2009, to tweak regulations that would force banks to recognize declining loan values immediately, as defaults surged. Bank regulators around the world—compelled to tighten capital rules under public pressure—put off the implementation of harsher standards for five to 13 years, knowing that the zombie banks would need all of that time to fix their problems. Stress tests were conducted by U.S. and EU authorities to show that the largest banks were healthy enough to withstand another crisis. Even though both used optimistic assumptions about the future risks to housing markets and economic shocks, the U.S. test succeeded in assuring investors because it was perceived as full government backing for the top 19 institutions. The EU test failed to gain credibility because it found almost all banks to be healthy when the world knew there was a need for additional capital in many of them. The EU lost further face when the Irish banks, which were given a clean bill of health, collapsed two months after the second stress test in 2010.
Kicking the Can Down the Road
The biggest fear that politicians and regulators have when a bank nears death is the possibility of contagion—that the collapse will spook investors, depositors, and the public in general, causing a run on other banks. So the initial knee-jerk reaction by the authorities is to prevent the fall. Of course, not every failing lender is saved. Small banks around the world get taken over by authorities and wound down all the time; the FDIC in the United States has been seizing one or two every week since the crisis started. This is where the arbitrary judgment on whether a lender is big enough to pose systemic risk comes in. Each government and regulator has its own justification about why a rescue is merited, so there seems to be no easy yardstick for measuring risk. Because these decisions are arbitrary and politics plays a significant role, sometimes a smaller bank is rescued while a bigger one is let down. The Federal Reserve subsidized the takeover of Bear Stearns, the fifth largest U.S. investment bank, by JPMorgan Chase in March 2008. Yet six months later, Lehman Brothers, which was twice as big as Bear Stearns, was pushed into bankruptcy because politicians were given the wrong impression that its contagion would be smaller. Spain has refused to seize and shut down its cajas, dozens of small savings and loans banks that failed with the collapse of the country’s property bubble. Ireland rescued small lenders along with the nation’s largest.
There’s also a tendency by regulators and politicians to kick the can down the road because they most likely won’t be in positions of power when things blow up after a few years, says Kane. There’s also the gamble that, if asset prices recover, the economy turns around, and the zombie bank has enough time to plug its holes with subsidized profits, then it might actually stand on its own. Some of the savings and loans that were zombies did turn around and recover from their ills, Kane notes. And if the gamble on recovery doesn’t work, then hopefully the zombies’ collapse will be on the next guy’s watch. When crisis hits and asset value...

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