Vibration-based Condition Monitoring
eBook - ePub
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Vibration-based Condition Monitoring

Industrial, Aerospace and Automotive Applications

Robert Bond Randall

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eBook - ePub
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Vibration-based Condition Monitoring

Industrial, Aerospace and Automotive Applications

Robert Bond Randall

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

"Without doubt the best modern and up-to-date text on the topic, wirtten by one of the world leading experts in the field. Should be on the desk of any practitioner or researcher involved in the field of Machine Condition Monitoring" Simon Braun, Israel Institute of Technology

Explaining complex ideas in an easy to understand way, Vibration-based Condition Monitoring provides a comprehensive survey of the application of vibration analysis to the condition monitoring of machines. Reflecting the natural progression of these systems by presenting the fundamental material and then moving onto detection, diagnosis and prognosis, Randall presents classic and state-of-the-art research results that cover vibration signals from rotating and reciprocating machines; basic signal processing techniques; fault detection; diagnostic techniques, and prognostics.

Developed out of notes for a course in machine condition monitoring given by Robert Bond Randall over ten years at the University of New South Wales, Vibration-based Condition Monitoring: Industrial, Aerospace and Automotive Applications is essential reading for graduate and postgraduate students/ researchers in machine condition monitoring and diagnostics as well as condition monitoring practitioners and machine manufacturers who want to include a machine monitoring service with their product.

  • Includes a number of exercises for each chapter, many based on Matlab, to illustrate basic points as well as to facilitate the use of the book as a textbook for courses in the topic.
  • Accompanied by a website housing exercises along with data sets and implementation code in Matlab for some of the methods as well as other pedagogical aids.
  • Authored by an internationally recognised authority in the area of condition monitoring.

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Table des matiĂšres