A Preface to Logic
eBook - ePub

A Preface to Logic

Morris R. Cohen

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  1. 224 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
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eBook - ePub

A Preface to Logic

Morris R. Cohen

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À propos de ce livre

Over the past two centuries the field of logic has developed at an explosive pace into new areas far removed from the traditional syllogism and formal proof. The purpose of this well-known introductory treatment is to chart, clearly and lucidly, this new domain of today's vastly sophisticated logic. Author Morris R. Cohen explores `the periphery of logic, the relations of logic to the rest of the universe, the philosophical presuppositions which give logic its meaning, and the applications which give it importance.`
Beginning with an exploration of the traditional scope of logic as the medium of formal proofs, the text pursues a modern investigation of the relationship between logic and the mind, logic and speech, logic in metaphor and fiction―and most significantly, logic and the concept of abstract reasoning as applied to the empirical world. Additional topics include logic and statistical method, probability, and scientific models. Concise and highly readable, this volume is suitable for college undergraduates and other readers interested in logic. 1944 edition.

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a priori, see Probability
Abstractions, 90–2; and things, 95
Adler, F., 75
Archimedes, 198
Aristotle, 60, 69, 83, 97, 123, 157, 160, 161, 167; on probability, 100–1
Aristotelian logic, vii, 81, 82
Bacon, F., 135, 157, 166, 184
Bain, A., 18
Barus, C., 135
Bentham, J., 177
Bergson, H., 71, 90, 194, 197
Berkeley, 23, 26, 68
Bertrand, 115, 139
Boltzman, 110
Boole, G., vii
Bosanquet, B., 34
Bradley, F. H., 16, 24, 26, 34, 37, 53, 104; logic of, 191–95
Brunot, 39
Brunschvig, 16
Buckle, 137
Burke, 68
Caird, 192
Carnap, R., 40, 41, 43, 52, 64; on meaning and verification, 57–60
Carroll, Lewis, 32
Carter, 165
Certainty, 15–6
Chance, and ignorance, 147–8; and determination, 148
Clausius, 139
Cohen, F. S., 66
Concepts, and signs, 67–72; as general images, 68; as sums of abstract images, 68–9; and transformations, 69–70; meaning of, 70–2
Contingency, and logical necessity, 15–6
Copernicus, 198
Cournot, 100, 117, 198
Couturat, L., 2
Cox, G. G., 98
Creighton, J., 37
Darwin, C., 136, 143, 192, 198
Deduction, and novelty, 11–4
Democritus, 101
Determination and indetermination, 73–4
Dewey, J., 5, 192; philosophy of, 196–202
Driesch, H., 60
Duhem, P., 158
Duguit, 165
Einstein, A., 140
Erasmus, 184
Ethics, chapter VIII; Christian, 161; functional criticism in, 174–5; instrumental and intrinsic value in, 175; Kan...

Table des matiĂšres