World Drama, Volume 1
eBook - ePub

World Drama, Volume 1

26 Unabridged Plays

Barrett H. Clark

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  1. 670 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

World Drama, Volume 1

26 Unabridged Plays

Barrett H. Clark

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À propos de ce livre

Volume 1 of this two-volume set contains 26 plays including Aeschylus `Prometheus Bound`; Sophocles `Antigone`; Seneca `Medea`; Marlowe, `Dr. Faustus`; Heywood, `A Woman Killed with Kindness`; Johnson, `Every Man in His Humour`; Beaumont and Fletcher `The Maid's Tragedy`; Sheridan `The School for Scandal`; plus plays from the Orient, medieval plays and more.

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Written and produced probably in the 5th century, A.D.


DUSHYANTA, King of India
MÁTHAVYA, the jester, friend, and companion of the King
KANWA, chief of the hermits, foster-father of
MITRÁVASU, brother-in-law of the King, and superintendent of the city police
JÁNUKA and SÚCHAKA, two constables
VÁTÁYANA, the chamberlain or attendant on the women’s apartments
SOMARÁTA, the domestic priest
KARABHAKA, a messenger of the queen-mother
RAIVATIKA, the warder or doorkeeper
MÁTALI, charioteer of Indra
SARVA-DAMANA, afterwards BHARATA, a little boy, son of DUSHYANTA by
YAPA, a divine sage, progenitor of men and gods, son of MARÍCHI, and grandson of BRAHMÁ
AKOONTALÁ, daughter of the sage VI
WÁMITRA and the nymph MENAKÁ, foster-child of the hermit KANWA
PRIYAMVADÁ and ANASÚYÁ, female attendants, companions of
GAUTAMÍ, a holy matron, Superior of the female inhabitants of the hermitage
SÁNUMATÍ, a nymph, friend of
TABALIKÁ, personal attendant of the Queen
CHATURIKÁ, personal attendant of the King
VETRAVATÍ, female warder or doorkeeper
PARABHRITIKÁ and MADHUKARIKÁ, maidens in charge of royal gardens
SUVRATÁ, a nurse
ADITI, wife of KA
YAPA; granddaughter of BRAHMÁ through her father DAKSHA
Charioteer, Fisherman, Officers, and Hermits



a preserve you! he who is revealed
In these eight forms by man perceptible—
Water, of all creation’s works the first;
The Fire that bears on high the sacrifice
Presented with solemnity to heaven;
The Priest, the holy offerer of gifts;
The Sun and Moon, those two majestic orbs,
Eternal marshallers of day and night;
The subtle Ether, vehicle of sound,
Diffused throughout the boundless universe;
The Earth, by sages called ’The place of birth
Of all material essences and things’; And Air, which giveth life to all that breathe.

STAGE-MANAGER [after the recitation of the benediction, looking toward the tiring-room ]. Lady, when you have finished attiring yourself, come this way.
ACTRESS [entering]. Here I am, Sir; what are your commands?
STAGE-MANAGER. We are here before the eyes of an audience of educated and discerning men; and have to represent in their presence a new drama composed by Kálidása, called ‘
akoontalá; or, the Lost Ring.’ Let the whole company exert themselves to do justice to their several parts.
ACTRESS. You, Sir, have so judiciously managed the cast of the characters, that nothing will be defective in the acting.
STAGE-MANAGER. Lady, I will tell you the exact state of the case.
No skill in acting can I deem complete,
Till from the wise the actor gain applause;
Know that the heart e’en of the truly skilful,
Shrinks from too boastful confidence in self.
ACTRESS [modestly]. You judge correctly. And now, what are your commands?
STAGE-MANAGER. What can you do better than engage the attention of the audience by some captivating melody?
ACTRESS. Which among the seasons shall I select as the subject of my song?
STAGE-MANAGER. You surely ought to give the preference to the present summer season that has but recently commenced, a season so rich in enjoyment. For now Unceasing are the charms of halcyon days, When the cool bath exhilarates the frame;
When sylvan gales are laden with the scent
Of fragrant PĂĄtalas; when soothing sleep
Creeps softly on beneath the deepening shade;
And when, at last, the dulcet calm of eve Entrancing steals o’er every yielding sense. ACTRESS. I will:—
Fond maids, the chosen of their hearts to please,
Entwine their ears with sweet
irĂ­sha flowers,
Whose fragrant lips attract the kiss of bees
That softly murmur through the summer hours.
STAGE-MANAGER. Charmingly sung! The audience are motionless as statues, their souls riveted by the enchanting strain. What subject shall we select for representation, that we may ensure a continuance of their favour?
ACTRESS. Why not the same, Sir, announced by you at first? Let the drama called ‘
akoontalá; or, the Lost Ring,’ be the subject of our dramatic performance.
STAGE-MANAGER. Rightly reminded! For the moment I had forgotten it. Your song’s transporting melody decoyed
My thoughts, and rapt with ecstasy my soul;
As now the bounding antelope allures
The King Dushyanta on the chase intent.


SCENE—A Forest.

[Enter KING DUSHYANTA, armed with a bow and arrow, in a cha...

Table des matiĂšres