Victorian Cottage Architecture
eBook - ePub

Victorian Cottage Architecture

An American Catalog of Designs, 1891

George F. Barber

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  1. 176 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Victorian Cottage Architecture

An American Catalog of Designs, 1891

George F. Barber

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À propos de ce livre

Reprint of rare catalog by one of America's most successful, late-19th-century domestic architects, with more than 100 designs for 68 houses. Elevations and floor plans for custom-designed homes in the Colonial, Romanesque, and Queen Anne styles, as well as plans for verandas, summer pavilions, and barns. Invaluable to architectural historians, preservationists, and home restorers.

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A Repository of
Artistic Cottage Architecture
AND Miscellaneous Designs
COSTING FROM $400 TO $8000


ON THE Principles of Design, Harmony of Form and Proportion in Architecture.

NATURE, in all her wondrous productions, has faithfully and accurately adhered to the Divine law of harmony, both in form and true proportions of parts. In no place should there be a closer adherence to the fundamental principles nature has laid down for us than in the design and construction of our houses.
A perfect house should look as if it had grown where nature intended it should, and in strict accordance with her perfect laws. It should be as finely and accurately finished in every part as a nicely proportioned and handsomely designed piece of furniture. It should not have that shabby and unfinished appearance so common with our present style of structures. It is just as easy and just as cheap for a builder to erect a well proportioned and handsomely designed house—if the plans call for it—as to construct one of faulty and ungainly appearance.
A man will look at an elegant house, or a drawing of it, and remark dubiously: “ I cannot possibly afford such a costly house as that. I must build on a cheaper plan.” He does not know that it is the style and proportions of a house that give it the appearance of costliness, while in reality it costs no more than the shabby, ill-proportioned structure he contemplates building.
A perfectly and handsomely designed house or cottage has the appearance of costing from one hundred to several thousand dollars more than it in reality costs, while a poorly formed cottage, where no taste has been displayed either in design or construction, shows exactly the reverse. It is plainly observable then, that a tasty, finely constructed building, though costing a trifle more than an ordinary, commonplace affair, is of far greater value to the owner, raising the price of his property, and causing it to sell more readily, also enhancing the value of property in the neighborhood.
In building, do not get the poorest mechanic (i. e. a poor workman) that you can find, simply because he will work cheap. It is poor economy, as poor workmanship is always expensive.
A house is something you will either enjoy or be disgusted with as long perhaps as you live. Then do not slight or leave out a single thing that is necessary to make a perfect home. Its proportions may be small, but with its outer and inner appointments in perfect harmony of style, it will be a palace of beauty and elegance.
Before you begin to build, be sure you have secured the very best plan and design that you can obtain for the price. Correspond with architects and designers until you have found just what you want. Do not be afraid of offending some one. When you have secured your plans and perfected your details, get the best mechanic you can find to do the work. Not the cheapest, but the best, as you would call in the best physician in case you were seriously ill, or the most trusty surgeon if dangerously wounded. Mechanics generally seem to forget that the chief object of a dwelling is the comfort and convenience of its occupants.
A few more words in regard to true proportion and harmony of form as applied to architecture.
We will give you an example.
In musi...

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