How to Stay Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy
eBook - PDF

How to Stay Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy

Kate Brian

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  1. 208 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

How to Stay Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy

Kate Brian

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À propos de ce livre

This book features advice and guidance from an expert that is leading in her field, as it includes the latest research and information. As accredited by the RCOB.We are constantly bombarded with information about diet and fitness and how important this is to a healthy lifestyle, and there is an increasing focus on pregnancy as a phase of life when this really matters. Sifting out the evidence-based, accurate information can be a challenge, and that’s where How to Stay Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy comes in. This evidence-based book is for every pregnant woman, and even those who have had no previous interest in exercise and diet will find encouragement to adopt a healthier lifestyle when they are expecting. For those who have been very aware of their fitness and health, there is guidance on how to adjust your regime to pregnancy.How to Stay Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy takes you right through the nine months of pregnancy, and looks at different ways to keep fit and supple when you are expecting. It explains the current guidance on healthy eating in pregnancy, also covering supplements and complementary therapies. It looks at common health problems that can occur when you are expecting and how best to help yourself through them. How to Stay Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy also recognizes the importance of mental health and how this can be affected during and after pregnancy. It takes you through to the birth of your baby and lays the foundations for healthy parenthood ahead.

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