English Language Arts, Grade 11 Module 2, Florida Special Edition
eBook - ePub

English Language Arts, Grade 11 Module 2, Florida Special Edition

Teacher Guide

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eBook - ePub

English Language Arts, Grade 11 Module 2, Florida Special Edition

Teacher Guide

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À propos de ce livre

Using Figurative Language or Rhetoric

  • The Souls of Black Folk
  • Atlanta Compromise Speech
  • An Address by Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • From the House of Yemanja
  • How to Write the Great American Indian Novel

Paths to College and Career

Jossey-Bass and PCG Education are proud to bring the Florida edition of our grades 6–12 Paths to College and Career English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum and professional development resources to Florida educators. Originally developed for EngageNY, we've updated the curriculum with a focus on the shifts in instructional practice and student experiences the Language Arts Florida Standards require. Paths to College and Career includes daily lesson plans, guiding questions, recommended texts, scaffolding strategies and classroom resources that support student success.

Paths to College and Career is a concrete and practical ELA instructional program that engages students with compelling and complex texts. At each grade level, Paths to College and Career delivers a yearlong curriculum that develops all students' ability to read closely and engage in text-based discussions, build evidence-based claims and arguments, conduct research and write from sources, and expand their academic vocabulary. Paths to College and Career's instructional resources address the needs of all learners, including students with disabilities, English language learners, and gifted students.

This enhanced curriculum provides teachers with freshly designed teacher materials that include everything educators need to manage instruction, and student journals that give students learning tools for each module and a single place to organize and document their learning.

The Florida edition of Paths to College and Career adds even more resources to support teacher instruction and student learning of the Language Arts Florida Standards, including additional guidance for how to help English language learners and supplementary selected-response and constructed-response assessment options.

As the creators of the Paths to College and Career ELA curriculum for grades 6–12, PCG Education provides a professional learning program that ensures the success of the curriculum. The program includes:

  • Nationally recognized professional development from an organization that has been immersed in the LAFS since their inception.
  • Blended learning experiences for teachers and leaders that enrich and extend the learning.
  • A train-the-trainer program that builds capacity and provides resources and individual support for embedded leaders and coaches.

Paths to College and Career offers schools and districts a unique approach to ensuring college and career readiness for all students, providing state-of-the-art curriculum and state-of-the-art implementation support.


PCG Education, a division of Public Consulting Group, works with schools, districts, and state education agencies to build their capacity for instructional and programmatic improvements. We provide curriculum development, coaching, professional development, and technical assistance services. Our partnership with educators and leaders in Florida ensures effective implementation of state standards and college and career readiness for all students.

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Table des matiĂšres