Big Ideas
eBook - ePub

Big Ideas

The Essential Guide to the Latest Thinking

James Harkin

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eBook - ePub

Big Ideas

The Essential Guide to the Latest Thinking

James Harkin

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

Big Ideas explains where concepts like 'the long tail', 'urban tribes' and 'soft power' came from, what they mean, and what their critics say about them. It includes explanations of key terms such as: Maturialism: the name given to the new trend among middle-aged people of spending their money on expensive 'youth' gadgets and services, and the new habit among advertisers of targeting the mid-life market, repositioning their brands as accessories to the distinctive joys of mid-life; The Tipping Point: the controversial idea that the best way to understand everything from changing fashions to the rise of teenage smoking is to imagine people as viruses and social phenomena as contagious epidemics; And Social Jet Lag: an ailment suffered by up to half the population, social jet lag is said to arise when our body clocks falls out of synch with the demands of our environments, thus putting us at risk of chronic fatigue and an increased susceptibility to disease.

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Atlantic Books


Introduction ix
The Advocacy Revolution 1
Badvertising 3
Bare Branches 5
Boomergeddon 7
Brand America 9
Citizen Journalism 11
Compassion Fatigue 13
The Cosmetic Underclass 15
Cosmopolitanism 17
Crowd-Sourcing 19
Crunchy Conservatism 21
Curation Nation 23
The Cyborg 24
Declinology 27
Democratization 29
Digital Maoism 31
Digital Mapping 33
The Economy of Prestige 34
Electronic Frontier Justice 36
The European Empire 38
The Experience Economy 40
The Free Rider or Collective Action Problem and the Prisoner's Dilemma 42
Futurology 44
Generation Gap 46
Good Business 48
Gotcha Politics 49
Happiness 52
Incentivization 54
Infomania 56
Libertarian Paternalism 58
Life-Caching 60
The Long Tail 61
Maturialism 63
The Menaissance 65

Table des matiĂšres