Midland Main Lines to St Pancras and Cross Country
eBook - ePub
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Midland Main Lines to St Pancras and Cross Country

Sheffield to Bristol 1957 - 1963

John Palmer

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  1. 224 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub
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Midland Main Lines to St Pancras and Cross Country

Sheffield to Bristol 1957 - 1963

John Palmer

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

The history of British Railways in the late 1950s/early 1960s is characterized by change; massive change, as its management attempted to meet statutory obligations against a background of social, economic and political influences. The Modernisation Plan of 1955 paved the way for the electrification of the route from Manchester to London Euston, with a consequential effect of the Midland route services via Derby needing to be enhanced and improved. That eventually resulted in the arrival of class 7 steam motive power and later also benefitted the cross country Midland route. This book details, year by year, the changes that took place and provides an insight into the reasons why decisions were taken, and how the railway management was faced with a vast range of technological, natural, socioeconomic challenges to be overcome, whilst also trying to meet the day-to-day needs of the operational railway. In addition to tracing the history of the routes, the book includes performance logs of typical journeys along difficult sections, recollections of railway men working in various departments and – for enthusiasts – a list of rare and unusual locomotive workings. The book is profusely illustrated with black and white, as well as color, photographs and also includes a comprehensive range of maps.

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Pen and Sword

Table des matiĂšres