AngularJS: Maintaining Web Applications
eBook - ePub

AngularJS: Maintaining Web Applications

Rodrigo Branas, Chandermani, Matt Frisbie, Amos Q. Haviv

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  1. 1,010 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

AngularJS: Maintaining Web Applications

Rodrigo Branas, Chandermani, Matt Frisbie, Amos Q. Haviv

DĂ©tails du livre
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À propos de ce livre

Get started with speed building AngularJS applications, and scale up to a full-stack web application, using the existing AngularJS framework without the trouble of migrating to Angular 2

About This Book

  • Follow the best practices of the framework to organize and modularize your application
  • Get to grips with Angular's Model-View-Controller architecture
  • Create application modules with maximum reusability and extensibility
  • Structure and use AngularJS applications in your MEAN project in your MEAN project

Who This Book Is For

This course is for people who want to discover how they can improve their current web applications with the existing version of Angular without having to worry much about migrating to AngularJS 2

What You Will Learn

  • Install and set up the AngularJS framework
  • Create your own full-featured and robust AngularJS web apps
  • Create reusable directives and then extend the behavior of HTML on your web page
  • Optimize and maintain your web applications
  • Create more powerful full-stack web applications, that draw on the combined power of AngularJS, Node.js, MongoDB, and Express in the MEAN stack

In Detail

The AngularJS course is a journey to help you improve and scale your current web applications with the existing version of Angular without having to worry about migration to Angular 2. The course is divided into four modules.

The first part—AngularJS Essentials is like a practical guide, filled with many step-by-step examples that will lead you through the best practices of AngularJS. After a brief introduction, you will learn how to create reusable components with directives. You will then take a look at many data handling techniques, discover a complete set of technologies that are capable to accomplish any challenge related to present, transform, and validate data on the user's interface. Finally, you will discover the best way to deal with the scope and how to break up the application into separate modules, giving rise to reusable and interchangeable libraries.

With this you've crossed a milestone and are about to enter the world of learning by example. In the next part—Learning AngularJS By Example, you will learn how to effectively build apps using the AngularJS platform. You will be building multiple apps on this platform ranging from simple ones to more complex ones. In this module, you will roll up your coding sleeves and create a serious AngularJS application by example – a rich featured workout app. Take the coding a step at a time at first, then once you're coding a full app in this module, a lot of AngularJS will fall right into place for you.

The third module—AngularJS Web Application Development Cookbook, will get you accustomed to the AngularJS concept armed with a solid understanding of how it works, insight into the best ways to wield it in real-world applications, and annotated code examples. It is a rich library of AngularJS coding solutions that you can use straight away in your own code projects.

You are just a step away from completing this learning path of AngularJS. The name of the next part—MEAN Web Development itself assures that you are nearing the destination. The idea is simple with this part, you'll take MongoDB as the database, Express as the web framework, AngularJS as the frontend framework, and Node.js as the platform, and combine them together in a modular approach that will ensure the flexibility needed in modern software development. This is also your graduation to full-stack web development, which can open many new coding and career opportunities for you!

Style and approach

Get up to speed building AngularJS applications, then improve and scale full-stack web applications, using the existing AngularJS framework without the trouble of migrating to Angular 2

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