HDInsight Essentials - Second Edition
eBook - ePub

HDInsight Essentials - Second Edition

Rajesh Nadipalli

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  1. 178 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

HDInsight Essentials - Second Edition

Rajesh Nadipalli

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Table des matiĂšres

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HDInsight Essentials Second Edition

Table of Contents

HDInsight Essentials Second Edition
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1. Hadoop and HDInsight in a Heartbeat
Data is everywhere
Business value of big data
Hadoop concepts
Brief history of Hadoop
Core components
Hadoop cluster layout
HDFS overview
Writing a file to HDFS
Reading a file from HDFS
HDFS basic commands
YARN overview
YARN application life cycle
YARN workloads
Hadoop distributions
HDInsight overview
HDInsight and Hadoop relationship
Hadoop on Windows deployment options
Microsoft Azure HDInsight Service
HDInsight Emulator
Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) for Windows
2. Enterprise Data Lake using HDInsight
Enterprise Data Warehouse architecture
Source systems
Data warehouse
User access
Provisioning and monitoring
Data governance and security
Pain points of EDW
The next generation Hadoop-based Enterprise data architecture
Source systems
Data Lake
User access
Provisioning and monitoring
Data governance, security, and metadata
Journey to your Data Lake dream
Ingestion and organization
Transformation (rules driven)
Access, analyze, and report
Tools and technology for Hadoop ecosystem
Use case powered by Microsoft HDInsight
Problem statement
Source systems
User access
3. HDInsight Service on Azure
Registering for an Azure account
Azure storage
Provisioning an HDInsight cluster
Cluster topology
Provisioning using Azure PowerShell
Creating a storage container
Provisioning a new HDInsight cluster
HDInsight management dashboard
Exploring clusters using the remote desktop
Running a sample MapReduce
Deleting the cluster
HDInsight Emulator for the development
Installing HDInsight Emulator
Installation verification
Using HDInsight Emulator
4. Administering Your HDInsight Cluster
Monitoring cluster health
Name Node status
The Name Node Overview page
Datanode Status
Utilities and logs
Hadoop Service Availability
YARN Application Status
Azure storage management
Configuring your storage account
Monitoring your storage account
Managing access keys
Deleting your storage account
Azure PowerShell
Access Azure Blob storage using Azure PowerShell
5. Ingest and Organize Data Lake
End-to-end Data Lake solution
Ingesting to Data Lake using HDFS command
Connecting to a Hadoop client
Getting your files on the local storage
Transferring to HDFS
Loading data to Azure Blob storage using Azure PowerShell
Loading files to Data Lake using GUI tools
Storage access keys
Storage tools
Key benefits
Registering your storage account
Uploading files to your Blob storage
Using Sqoop to move data from RDBMS to Data Lake
Key benefits
Two modes of using Sqoop
Using Sqoop to import data (SQL to Hadoop)
Organizing your Data Lake in HDFS
Managing file metadata using HCatalog
Key benefits
Using HCatalog Command Line to create tables
6. Transform Data in the Data Lake
Transformation overview
Tools for transforming data in Data Lake
Persisting HCatalog metastore in a SQL database
Apache Hive
Hive architecture
Starting Hive in HDInsight
Basic Hive commands
Apache Pig
Pig architecture
Starting Pig in HDInsight node
Basic Pig commands
Pig or Hive
The mapper code
The reducer code
The driver code
Executing MapReduce on HDInsight
Azure PowerShell for execution of Hadoop jobs
Transformation for the OTP project
Cleaning data using Pig
Executing Pig script
Registering a refined and aggregate table using Hive
Executing Hive script
Reviewing results
Other tools used for transformation
7. Analyze and Report from Data Lake
Data access overview
Analysis using Excel and Microsoft Hive ODBC driver
Step 1 – installing the Microsoft Hive ODBC driver
Step 2 – creating Hive ODBC Data Source
Step 3 – importing data to Excel
Analysis using Excel Power Query
Step 1 – installing the Microsoft Power Query for Excel
Step 2 – i...

Table des matiĂšres