Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Financial Management
eBook - ePub

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Financial Management

Mohamed Aamer

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  1. 352 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Financial Management

Mohamed Aamer

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Financial Management

Table of Contents

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Financial Management
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1. Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Understanding the ERP characteristics
Discovering the implementation team
Responsibilities and motivation of an ERP consultant
Exploring key intentions of ERP implementations
Understanding the ERP module's integration
Accounts payable
Product receipt
Accounts receivable
Packing slip
Exploring ERP and reporting
Posting types in Microsoft Dynamics AX
Exploring the common terms in ERP implementations
Exploring Microsoft Dynamics Implementation Methodology – Sure Step
Exploring Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services
Looking at Microsoft Dynamics AX user Interface
2. Understanding the General Ledger
Understanding the chart of accounts
Classifying main accounts
Using transactional accounts
Balance accounts
Profit and loss accounts
Using nontransactional accounts
Main account categories
Controlling main accounts
Debit/Credit controls
Debit/Credit Proposal
Debit/Credit Requirements
Balance Control
Using account administration
Do not allow manual entry
Activation date
Suspending account
Using posting validation
Currency control
User control
Posting type
Understanding shared financial data
Exploring the sales tax mechanism
Withholding tax
Understanding financial management in action
Opening balance
Best practices of uploading opening balances
Planning and designing
Performing daily transactions
The account alias
Recurring entries
Saving a voucher
Closing procedure
3. Understanding Cash and Bank Management
Understanding cash and bank integration
Controlling cash and bank management
Credit limit
Date activation
Status activation
General ledger reconciliation
Transaction currency
Exploring cash and bank management in action
Bank account reconciliation
Bank facility – letter of guarantee
4. Understanding Accounts Payable
Understanding accounts payable integration with other modules
Exploring vendor master data characteristics
The General fast tab
The Purchasing demographics fast tab
Invoice and delivery fast tab
The Invoice field group
The Sales tax field group
The Withholding tax field group
The Discount field group
Vendor price/discount groups
The Payment fast tab
Terms of payment
Method of payment
Payment schedule
Cash discount
Exploring accounts payable controls
Vendor hold activities
Invoice matching controls
Invoice matching
Price tolerance
The invoice number
The Posting profile
Exploring accounts payable transactions
The purchase order invoice
The prepayment invoice
Vendor settlement
The vendor settlement mechanism in Microsoft Dynamics AX
5. Understanding Accounts Receivable
Understanding the Accounts receivable module's integration with other modules
Exploring customer master data characteristics
The Sales order defaults fast tab
The Discount field group
Customer price or discount groups
The Payment fast tab
Terms of payment
Method of payment
Payment specification
Payment schedule
Cash discount
The Invoice and delivery fast tab
The Invoice field group
The Sales tax field group
Exploring Accounts receivable controls
Customer hold activities
Customer credit limit management
Exploring Accounts receivable transactions
Sales order invoice
Free text invoice
Free text correction
Customer settlement
Customer settlement mechanism – Dynamics AX
6. Exploring Fixed Assets
Understanding fixed assets integration with other modules
Exploring fixed assets master data characteristics
The depreciation profile
The depreciation method
Constant fields
Dynamic fields
The value model
Fixed asset groups
Fixed assets
Exploring fixed assets transactions
Fixed asset disposal sale
7. Functioning of Cash Flow Management
Understanding cash flow integration with other modules
Cash flow forecast configuration
Accounts payable
Accounts receivable
General ledger
Cash flow tr...

Table des matiĂšres