Learning Heroku Postgres
eBook - ePub

Learning Heroku Postgres

Patrick Espake

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  1. 164 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Learning Heroku Postgres

Patrick Espake

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Table des matiĂšres

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Learning Heroku Postgres

Table of Contents

Learning Heroku Postgres
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Downloading the example code
1. Getting Started with Heroku Postgres
How does Heroku work?
Heroku Dashboard and Heroku Toolbelt
Deploying your applications
Heroku architecture
HTTP routing
Dyno Manager
Config vars
Understanding the Dynos
Heroku API
Postgres supported versions
Choosing the right Heroku Postgres plan
Shared features
Production-tier technical characterization
High availability
Self-test Questions
2. Heroku Toolbelt
Signing up
Installing the Heroku Toolbelt
Logging in to Heroku
Deploying an application
The sample application source code
The dependencies file
Deploying the sample application
Visiting the sample application
Self-test questions
3. Postgres Add-on
Local setup
Setting up PostgreSQL on Mac OS X
Setting up PostgreSQL on Windows
Setting up PostgreSQL on Linux
Creating a local database
Creating a new app
Via the Heroku dashboard
Via the Heroku client
Adding the add-on and creating the first database
Adding the Heroku Postgres add-on
Via the Heroku add-ons gallery
Via the Heroku client
Creating the first database
Heroku Postgres web interface
Using the Heroku client with Postgres
The pg:info command
The pg:psql command
The pg:push command
The pg:pull command
The pg:ps command
The pg:kill command
The pg:killall command
The pg:promote command
The pg:credentials command
The pg:reset command
Connecting with Java
Connecting with Ruby
Connecting with Python
Connecting with Django
Connecting with Node.js
Connection permissions
Multiple schemas
External connections
Connecting to databases from outside Heroku
Monitoring and logging
Removing the add-on
Self-test Questions
4. PG Backups
Installing the add-on
Via the Heroku client
Via the web interface
Changing the plan
Creating a backup
Listing backups
Via the Heroku client
Via the web interface
Downloading a backup
Deleting backups
Restoring from a backup
Importing databases
Importing in Heroku Postgres
Exporting databases
Downloading the backup
Restoring to local database
Removing the add-on
Via the Heroku client
Via the web interface
Self-test Questions
5. Dataclips
Creating dataclips
Sharing dataclips
Interacting with dataclips
Data refresh
Dataclips security
Limitations and additional settings
Self-test questions
6. Rollback, Followers, and Forks
Heroku Postgres rollback
Checking the rollback feature
Available period
Creating a rollback database
Promote a rollback database
Deprovisioning a rollback database
Heroku Postgres follower databases
Creating and managing follower databases
Unfollow the main database
Upgrade the database plan with follower
High availability with followers
Heroku Postgres forking databases
Forking your database
Forking databases with the fast option
View your fork databases
Deprovisioning a fork database
Self-test questions
7. Understanding Log Statements and Common Errors
Log statements
Common errors
LOG: long duration
LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection
PGError: permission denied for relation
PGError: operator does not exist
PGError: relation "table-name" does not exist
PGError: column "column-name" cannot...
PGError: SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected
PGError: prepared statement "a30" already exists
FATAL: too many connections for role
FATAL: could not receive data...
FATAL: role "role-name"...
FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command
FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
Temporary file: path "file path", size "file size"
Metrics logs
Self-test questions
8. Extensions, PostGIS, Full Text Search Dictionaries, Data Caching, and Tuning
Heroku Postgres extensions
Data types
Case-insensitive text – citext
Label tree – ltree
Product numbering – isn
Earth distance
Fuzzy match – fuzzystrmatch
Table functions and pivot tables – tablefunc
Trigram – pg_trgm
UUID generation

Table des matiĂšres