QGIS Python Programming Cookbook
eBook - ePub

QGIS Python Programming Cookbook

Joel Lawhead

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  1. 340 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

QGIS Python Programming Cookbook

Joel Lawhead

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Table des matiĂšres

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QGIS Python Programming Cookbook

Table of Contents

QGIS Python Programming Cookbook
About the Author
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What this book covers
What you need for this book
Who this book is for
Getting ready
How to do it

How it works

There's more

See also
Reader feedback
Customer support
Downloading the example code
Downloading the color images of this book
1. Automating QGIS
Installing QGIS for development
Getting ready
How to do it
Installing PyQGIS using the Debian package manager
Installing PyQGIS using the RPM package manager
Setting the environment variables
Setting the environment variables on Windows
Setting the environment variables on Linux
How it works

There's more

Finding the PyQGIS path on Windows
Finding the location of the QGIS Python installation on other platforms
Using the QGIS Python console for interactive control
How to do it

How it works

Using the Python ScriptRunner plugin
Getting ready
How to do it

How it works

Setting up your QGIS IDE
Getting ready
How to do it

Adding the QGIS Python interpreter on Windows
Adding the PyQGIS module paths to the interpreter
Adding the PyQGIS API to the IDE
Adding environment variables
How it works

Debugging QGIS Python scripts
How to do it

Configuring QGIS
Configuring Eclipse
Testing the debugger
How it works

Navigating the PyQGIS API
Getting ready
How to do it

How it works

There's more

Creating a QGIS plugin
Getting ready
How to do it

How it works

There's more

Distributing a plugin
Getting ready
How to do it

How it works

Creating a standalone application
Getting ready
How to do it

How it works

There's more...
Storing and reading global preferences
Getting ready
How to do it

How it works

There's more

Storing and reading project preferences
Getting ready
How to do it

How it works

There's more

Accessing the script path from within your script
Getting ready
How to do it

How it works

There's more

2. Querying Vector Data
Loading a vector layer from a file sample
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Loading a vector layer from a spatial database
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Examining vector layer features
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Examining vector layer attributes
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Filtering a layer by geometry
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Filtering a layer by attributes
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Buffering a feature intermediate
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Measuring the distance between two points
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Measuring the distance along a line sample
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Calculating the area of a polygon
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Creating a spatial index
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Calculating the bearing of a line
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Loading data from a spreadsheet
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
3. Editing Vector Data
Creating a vector layer in memory
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more

Adding a point feature to a vector layer
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Adding a line feature to a vector layer
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Adding a polygon feature to a vector layer
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Adding a set of attributes to a vector layer
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Adding a field to a vector layer
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Joining a shapefile attribute table to a CSV file
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...

Table des matiĂšres