Learning Android Application Testing
eBook - ePub

Learning Android Application Testing

Paul Blundell, Diego Torres Milano

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  1. 274 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Learning Android Application Testing

Paul Blundell, Diego Torres Milano

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Learning Android Application Testing

Table of Contents

Learning Android Application Testing
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1. Getting Started with Testing
Why, what, how, and when to test?
What to test
Activity lifecycle events
Database and filesystem operations
Physical characteristics of the device
Types of tests
Unit tests
The setUp() method
The tearDown() method
Outside the test method
Inside the test method
Mock objects
Integration tests
UI tests
Functional or acceptance tests
Test case scenario
Performance tests
System tests
Android Studio and other IDE support
Java testing framework
Android testing framework
Test targets
Creating the Android project
Package explorer
Creating a test case
Test annotations
Running the tests
Running all tests from Android Studio
Running a single test case from your IDE
Running from the emulator
Running tests from the command line
Running all tests
Running tests from a specific test case
Running a specific test by name
Running specific tests by category
Running tests using Gradle
Creating a custom annotation
Running performance tests
Dry run
Debugging tests
Other command-line options
2. Understanding Testing with the Android SDK
The demonstration application
Assertions in depth
Custom messages
Static imports
View assertions
Even more assertions
The TouchUtils class
Mock objects
An overview of MockContext
The IsolatedContext class
Alternate route to file and database operations
The MockContentResolver class
The TestCase base class
The default constructor
The given name constructor
The setName() method
The AndroidTestCase base class
The assertActivityRequiresPermission() method
The assertReadingContentUriRequiresPermission method
The assertWritingContentUriRequiresPermission() method
The ActivityMonitor inner class
The InstrumentationTestCase class
The launchActivity and launchActivityWithIntent methods
The sendKeys and sendRepeatedKeys methods
The runTestOnUiThread helper method
The ActivityTestCase class
The scrubClass method
The ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 class
The constructor
The setUp method
The tearDown method
The ProviderTestCase2<T> class
The constructor
An example
The ServiceTestCase<T>
The constructor
The TestSuiteBuilder.FailedToCreateTests class
Using libraries in test projects
3. Baking with Testing Recipes
Android unit tests
Testing activities and applications
Mocking applications and preferences
The RenamingMockContext class
Mocking contexts
Testing activities
Testing files, databases, and content providers
The BrowserProvider tests
Testing exceptions
Testing local and remote services
Extensive use of mock objects
Importing libraries
Mockito usage example
The EditNumber filter tests
Testing views in isolation
Testing parsers
Android assets
The parser test
Testing for memory usage
Testing with Espresso
4. Managing Your Android Testing Environment
Creating Android Virtual Devices
Running AVDs from the command line
Headless emulator
Disabling the keyguard
Cleaning up
Terminating the emulator
Additional emulator configurations
Simulating network conditions
Speeding up your AVD with HAXM
Alternatives to the AVD
Running monkey
The client-server monkey
Test scripting with monkeyrunner
Getting test screenshots
Record and playback
5. Discovering Continuous Integration
Building Android applications manually using Gradle
Git – the fast version control system
Creating a local Git repository
Continuous integration with Jenkins
Installing and configuring Jenkins
Creating the jobs
Obtaining Android test results
6. Practicing Test-driven Development
Getting started with TDD
Writing a test case
Running all tests
Refactoring the code
Advantages of TDD
Understanding the requirements
Creating a sample project – the temperature converter
List of requirements
User interface concept design
Creating the project
Creating a Java module
Creating the TemperatureConverterActivityTests class
Creating the fixture
Creating the user interface
Testing the existence of the user interface components
Getting the IDs defined
Translating requirements to tests
Empty fields
View properties
Screen layout
Adding functionality
Temperature conversion
The EditNumber class
The TemperatureConverter unit tests
The EditNumber tests
The TemperatureChangeWatcher class
More TemperatureConverter tests
The InputFilter tests
Viewing our final application
7. Behavior-driven Development
Given, When, and Then
Running FitNesse from the command line
Creating a TemperatureConverterTests subwiki
Adding child pages to the subwiki
Adding the acceptance test fixture
Adding the supporting test classes
Creating the test scenario
8. Testing and Profiling Performance
Ye Olde Logge method
Timing logger
Performance tests in Android SDK
Launching the performance test
Creating the LaunchPerformanceBase instrumentation
Creating the TemperatureConverterActivityLaunchPerformance class
Running the tests
Using the Traceview and dmtracedump platform tools
Caliper microbenchmarks
Benchmarking the temperature converter
Running Caliper
9. Alternative Testing Tactics
Code coverage
Jacoco features
Temperature converter code coverage
Generating code coverage analysis report
Covering the exceptions
Introducing Robotium
Adding Robotium
Creating the test cases
The testFahrenheitToCelsiusConversion() test
Testing between Activities
Testing on the host's JVM
Comparing the performance gain
Adding Android to the picture
Introducing Robolectric
Installing Robolectric
Adding resources
Writing some tests
Google's march on shadows
Introducing Fest
Introducing Spoon
Introducing Fork

Table des matiĂšres