SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.1 Cookbook
eBook - ePub

SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.1 Cookbook

David Lai, Xavier Hacking

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  1. 452 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.1 Cookbook

David Lai, Xavier Hacking

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SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.1 Cookbook

Table of Contents

SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.1 Cookbook
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1. Staying in Control
Understanding the dashboard workspace
Using the Object Browser
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Searching for components
Getting ready
How to do it

How it works

Grouping the canvas components
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Making the spreadsheet more readable with colors
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Making the spreadsheet more readable with comments
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Making the spreadsheet more readable with borders
Getting ready
How to do it...
There's more...
Using the toolbar border button
Using multiple worksheets
Placing your Excel logic wisely
Using named ranges
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Defined named ranges
The Name Manager
Copying the format of one cell to another cell or range
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Debugging the spreadsheets
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Navigating between worksheets
How to do it...
How it works...
2. Data Visualization
Adding a line chart to your dashboard
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Manually binding data
Hide/show series
Other charts
Bar chart and column chart
Area chart
Stacked charts
Marimekko chart
Using a bullet chart
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Using sparklines
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Header labels
Low and high values
Using a combination chart
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Using a waterfall chart
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Using a pie chart
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Using a scatter plot chart
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Using a bubble plot chart
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Using a radar chart
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Using an OHLC chart and a candlestick chart
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Sorting series
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Zooming in on charts
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Scaling the y-axis
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Variable maximum limits
Allow Zoom Out Only
Using a tree map
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Showing a trend without a chart
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Displaying raw data
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
There's more...
Illustrating sing...

Table des matiĂšres