JIRA Essentials - Third Edition
eBook - ePub

JIRA Essentials - Third Edition

Patrick Li

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  1. 390 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

JIRA Essentials - Third Edition

Patrick Li

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Table des matiĂšres

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JIRA Essentials Third Edition

Table of Contents

JIRA Essentials Third Edition
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1. Getting Started with JIRA
The JIRA architecture
High-level architecture
Web browsers
Application services
Data storage
The JIRA installation directory
The JIRA home directory
System requirements
Hardware requirements
Software requirements
Operating systems
Java platforms
Application servers
Installation options
Installing and configuring JIRA
Installing Java
Installing MySQL
Preparing MySQL for JIRA
Installing JIRA
Obtaining and installing JIRA
Installing MySQL driver
The JIRA setup wizard
Starting and stopping JIRA
Post-installation configurations
Increasing JIRA's memory
Changing JIRA's port number and context path
Configuring HTTPS
2. Project Management
The JIRA hierarchy
Project category
Project permissions
Creating projects
Changing the project key format
Importing data into JIRA
Importing data through CSV
Project user interfaces
Project Browser
The Summary tab
The Issues tab
The Road Map tab
The Change Log tab
The Versions and Components tab
The Source and Reviews tab
Project Administration
The Summary tab
The Components tab
Creating components
Managing components
Component lead and default assignee
The Versions tab
Creating versions
Managing versions
Other tabs
The Help Desk project
Creating a new project category
Creating a new project
Assigning a project to a category
Creating new components
Putting it together
3. Issue Management
Understanding issues
JIRA issue summary
Working with issues
Creating an issue
Editing an issue
Deleting an issue
Moving an issue between projects
Casting a vote on an issue
Receiving notifications on an issue
Assigning issues to users
Sharing issues with other users
Issue linking
Enabling issue linking
Creating link types
Linking issues with other issues
Linking issues with remote contents
Issue cloning
Time tracking
Configuring time tracking
Specifying original estimates
Logging work
Issues and comments
Adding comments
Managing your comments
Permalinking a comment
Enabling attachments in JIRA
Attaching files
Attaching screenshots
Issue types and subtasks
Creating issue types
Deleting issue types
Enabling subtasks
Creating subtasks
Issue type schemes
Creating issue type schemes
Issue priorities
The help desk project
Adding new issue types
Creating an issue type scheme
Putting it together
4. Field Management
Built-in fields
Custom fields
Custom field types
Standard fields
Advanced fields
Custom field context
Managing custom fields
Adding a custom field
Editing/deleting a custom field
Configuring a custom field
Adding custom field contexts
Configuring select options
Setting default values
Field configuration
Adding a field configuration
Editing/deleting a field configuration
Copying a field configuration
Managing field configurations
Field description
Field requirement
Field visibility
Field rendering
Field configuration scheme
Managing field configuration schemes
Adding a field configuration scheme
Editing/deleting a field configuration scheme
Copying a field configuration scheme
Configuring a field configuration scheme
Associating a field configuration scheme with a project
The Help Desk project
Setting up a custom field
Setting up the field configuration
Setting up a field configuration scheme
Putting it together
5. Screen Management
JIRA and screens
Working with screens
Adding a new screen
Editing/deleting a screen
Copying a screen
Configuring screens
Adding a field to a screen
Deleting a field from a screen
Using screen tabs
Adding a tab to a screen
Editing/deleting a tab
Working with screen schemes
Adding a screen scheme
Editing/deleting a screen scheme
Copying a screen scheme
Configuring a screen scheme
Associating screens to issue operations
Editing/deleting an association
Issue type screen scheme
Adding an issue type screen scheme
Editing/deleting an issue type screen scheme
Copying an issue type screen scheme
Configuring an issue type screen scheme
Associating issue types to screen schemes
Editing/deleting an association
Associating an issu...

Table des matiĂšres