Laravel 5 Essentials
eBook - ePub

Laravel 5 Essentials

Martin Bean

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  1. 144 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Laravel 5 Essentials

Martin Bean

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Laravel 5 Essentials

Table of Contents

Laravel 5 Essentials
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1. An Introduction to Laravel
The need for frameworks
The limitations of homemade tools
Laravel to the rescue
A new approach to developing PHP applications
A more robust HTTP foundation
Embracing PHP
Laravel's main features and sources of inspiration
Expressiveness and simplicity
Prettifying PHP
Responsibilities, naming, and conventions
Helping you become a better developer
Structure of a Laravel application
The service container and request lifecycle
Exploring Laravel
Changes in Version 5 from Version 4
2. Setting Up a Development Environment
Meeting Composer
Working with the command line
Meet Homestead
Installing Homestead
Everyday usage of Homestead
Adding additional websites
Connecting to your databases
Creating a new Laravel application
3. Your First Application
Planning our application
Entities, relationships, and attributes
The map of our application
Starting the application
Setting the application namespace
Writing the first routes
Restricting the route parameters
Handling HTTP exceptions
Performing redirections
Returning views
Preparing the database
Creating Eloquent models
Building the database schema
Seeding the database
Mastering Blade
Creating a master view
Back to the routes
The overview page
Displaying a cat's page
Route-model binding
Adding, editing, and deleting cats
Moving from simple routing to powerful controllers
Resource controllers
4. Eloquent ORM
Eloquent conventions
Retrieving data
Filtering records
Saving data
Mass assignment
Deleting data
Soft deletion
Including deleted models in results
Query scopes
Storing data in the pivot table
Polymorphic relations
Many-to-many polymorphic relations
Model events
Registering event listeners
Model observers
Checking whether a key exists in a collection
5. Testing – It's Easier Than You Think
The benefits of testing
The anatomy of a test
Unit testing with PHPUnit
Defining what you expect with assertions
Preparing the scene and cleaning up objects
Expecting exceptions
Testing interdependent classes in isolation
End-to-end testing
Testing – batteries included
Framework assertions
Impersonating users
Testing with a database
Inspecting the rendered views
6. A Command-line Companion Called Artisan
Keeping up with the latest changes
Inspecting and interacting with your application
Fiddling with the internals
Turning the engine off
Fine-tuning your application
Caching routes
Rolling out your own Artisan commands
Creating the command
The anatomy of a command
Writing the command
Scheduling commands
Viewing the output of scheduled commands
7. Authentication and Security
Authenticating users
Creating the user model
Creating the necessary database schema
Authentication routes and views
Validating user input
Form requests
Securing your application
Cross-site request forgery
Escaping content to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
Avoiding SQL injection
Using mass assignment with care
Cookies – secure by default
Forcing HTTPS when exchanging sensitive data
A. An Arsenal of Tools
Array helpers
The usage examples of array helpers
String and text manipulation
Boolean functions
Transformation functions
Inflection functions
Dealing with files
File uploads
Sending e-mails
Easier date and time handling with Carbon
Instantiating Carbon objects
Outputting user-friendly timestamps
Boolean methods
Carbon for Eloquent DateTime properties
Don't wait any longer with queues
Creating a command and pushing it onto the queue
Listening to a queue and executing jobs
Getting notified when a job fails
Queues without background processes
Where to go next?

Laravel 5 Essentials

Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing
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First published: April 2015
Production reference: 1240415
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78528-301-7


Martin Bean
Si Fleming
Michael Peacock
Brayan Laurindo Rastelli
Michele Somma
Commissioning Editor
Akram Hussain
Acquisition Editor
Reshma Raman
Content Development Editor
Mohammed Fahad
Technical Editor
Ankur Ghiye
Copy Editors
Merilyn Pereira
Laxmi Subramanian
Project Coordinator
Danuta Jones
Safis Editing
Paul Hindle
Monica Ajmera Mehta
Production Coordinator
Nilesh R. Mohite
Cover Work
Nilesh R. Mohite

Table des matiĂšres