Apache Mahout Essentials
eBook - ePub

Apache Mahout Essentials

Jayani Withanawasam

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  1. 164 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Apache Mahout Essentials

Jayani Withanawasam

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Apache Mahout Essentials

Table of Contents

Apache Mahout Essentials
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1. Introducing Apache Mahout
Machine learning in a nutshell
Supervised learning versus unsupervised learning
Machine learning applications
Information retrieval
Market segmentation (clustering)
Stock market predictions (regression)
Health care
Using a mammogram for cancer tissue detection
Machine learning libraries
Open source or commercial
Languages used
Algorithm support
Batch processing versus stream processing
The story so far
Apache Mahout
Setting up Apache Mahout
How Apache Mahout works?
The high-level design
The distribution
From Hadoop MapReduce to Spark
Problems with Hadoop MapReduce
In-memory data processing with Spark and H2O
Why is Mahout shifting from Hadoop MapReduce to Spark?
When is it appropriate to use Apache Mahout?
2. Clustering
Unsupervised learning and clustering
Applications of clustering
Computer vision and image processing
Types of clustering
Hard clustering versus soft clustering
Flat clustering versus hierarchical clustering
Model-based clustering
K-Means clustering
Getting your hands dirty!
Running K-Means using Java programming
Data preparation
Understanding important parameters
Cluster visualization
Distance measure
Writing a custom distance measure
K-Means clustering with MapReduce
MapReduce in Apache Mahout
The map function
The reduce function
Additional clustering algorithms
Canopy clustering
Fuzzy K-Means
Streaming K-Means
The streaming step
The ball K-Means step
Spectral clustering
Dirichlet clustering
Text clustering
The vector space model and TF-IDF
N-grams and collocations
Preprocessing text with Lucene
Text clustering with the K-Means algorithm
Topic modeling
Optimizing clustering performance
Selecting the right features
Selecting the right algorithms
Selecting the right distance measure
Evaluating clusters
The initialization of centroids and the number of clusters
Tuning up parameters
The decision on infrastructure
3. Regression and Classification
Supervised learning
Target variables and predictor variables
Predictive analytics' techniques
Regression-based prediction
Model-based prediction
Tree-based prediction
Classification versus regression
Linear regression with Apache Spark
How does linear regression work?
A real-world example
The impact of smoking on mortality and different diseases
Linear regression with one variable and multiple variables
The integration of Apache Spark
Setting up Apache Spark with Apache Mahout
An example script
Distributed row matrix
An explanation of the code
Mahout references
The bias-variance trade-off
How to avoid over-fitting and under-fitting
Logistic regression with SGD
Logistic functions
Minimizing the cost function
Multinomial logistic regression versus binary logistic regression
A real-world example
An example script
Testing and evaluation
The confusion matrix
The area under the curve
The NaĂŻve Bayes algorithm
The Bayes theorem
Text classification
NaĂŻve assumption and its pros and cons in text classification
Improvements that Apache Mahout has made to the NaĂŻve Bayes classification
A text classification coding example using the 20 newsgroups' example
Understand the 20 newsgroups' dataset
Text classification using Naïve Bayes – a MapReduce implementation with Hadoop
Text classification using Naïve Bayes – the Spark implementation
The Markov chain
Hidden Markov Model
A real-world example – developing a POS tagger using HMM supervised learning
POS tagging
HMM for POS tagging
HMM implementation in Apache Mahout
HMM supervised learning
The important parameters
The Baum Welch algorithm
A code example
The important parameters
The Viterbi evaluator
The Apache Mahout references
4. Recommen...

Table des matiĂšres