Learning RHEL Networking
eBook - ePub

Learning RHEL Networking

Andrew Mallett

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  1. 216 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
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eBook - ePub

Learning RHEL Networking

Andrew Mallett

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Learning RHEL Networking

Table of Contents

Learning RHEL Networking
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1. Introducing Enterprise Linux 7
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Determining your distribution and version
The /etc/system-release file
The /etc/issue file
Using lsb_release
Determining the kernel version
2. Configuring Network Settings
Elevating privileges
The su command
Delegating with the sudo command
Using ip and hostnamectl
Consistent naming for network devices
A real-life network device naming example
Disabling consistent network device naming
Using the ip command to display configurations
Using the ip command to implement configuration changes
Persisting network configuration changes
Configuring the RHEL 7 hostname with hostnamectl
Introduction to the Red Hat NetworkManager
Interacting with the NetworkManager using the Control Center
Adding a new profile with the Control Center
Interacting with the NetworkManager using nmtui
Extreme interaction with NetworkManager using nmcli
3. Configuring Key Network Services
Domain Name System
Installing and configuring a Caching Only DNS server
Configuring clients to use this server
Configuring the DNS zone
Referencing the zone from /etc/named.conf
Creating the zone file
Configuring a DHCP server
Configuring time services on RHEL 7
Implementing chronyd
Implementing ntpd
Implementing PTP on RHEL 7
Implementing e-mail delivery on RHEL 7
Adding an MX record to the DNS server
4. Implementing iSCSI SANs
The iSCSI target (server)
Managing logical volumes with LVM
Partitioning the disk
Creating the physical volume
Creating the volume group
Creating logical volumes
Installing the targetd service and targetcli tools
Managing iSCSI targets with targetcli
Creating storage backstores
Creating iSCSI targets
Adding LUNS to the iSCSI target
Adding ACLS
Working with the iSCSI Initiator
5. Implementing btrfs
Overview of btrfs
Overview of the lab environment
Installing btrfs
Creating the btrfs filesystem
The Copy-On-Write technology
Resizing btrfs filesystems
Adding devices to the btrfs filesystem
Volume management the old way
Volume management with btrfs
Balancing the btrfs filesystem
Mounting multidisk btrfs volumes from /etc/fstab
Creating a RAID1 mirror
Using btrfs snapshots
Optimizing btrfs for solid state drives
Managing snapshots with snapper
6. File Sharing with NFS
An overview of NFS
Overview of the lab environment
The NFS server configuration
Simple exports
Advanced exports
Using exportfs to create temporary exports
Hosting NFSv4 behind a firewall
Hosting NFSv3 behind a firewall
Diagnosing NFSv3 issues
Using static ports for NFSv3
Configuring the NFS client
Auto-mounting NFS with autofs
7. Implementing Windows Shares with Samba 4
An overview of Samba and Samba services
An overview of the lab environment
Configuring time and DNS
Managing Samba services
The Samba client on RHEL 7
Configuring file shares in Samba
Troubleshooting Samba
8. Integrating RHEL 7 into Microsoft Active Directory Domains
Overview of identity management
An overview of the lab environment
Preparing to join an Active Directory domain
Using realm to manage domain enrolment
Logging on to RHEL 7 using Active Directory credentials
User and group management with adcli
Listing the Active Directory information
Creating Active Directory users
Creating Active Directory groups
Managing the Active Directory group membership
Delegating Active Directory accounts with sudo
Leaving a domain
Understanding Active Directory as an identity provider for sssd
Configuring NSS
Configuring PAM
Configuring Kerberos
Configuring SSSD
9. Deploying the Apache HTTPD Server
Configuring the httpd service
Installing Apache 2.4
The configuration
Configuring the DocumentRoot directory
Controlling the Apache web service
Setting up the server name
Setting up a custom error page
Loading modules
Virtual servers
The name resolution
The Apache configuration
Automating virtual hosts
10. Securing the System with SELinux
What is SELinux
Understanding SELinux
The disabled mode
The permissive mode
The enforcing mode
Policy types
Working with the targeted policy type
Unconfined domains
SELinux tools
chcon and restorecon
Boolean values
Troubleshooting SELinux
The log file
The audit2allow command
Permissive domains
11. Network Security with firewalld
The firewall status
Zone management
Source management
Firewall rules using services
Firewall rules using ports
Masquerading and Network Address Translation
Using rich rules
Implementing direct rules
Reverting to iptables

Learning RHEL Networking

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Table des matiĂšres