JavaFX Essentials
eBook - ePub

JavaFX Essentials

Mohamed Taman

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  1. 224 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

JavaFX Essentials

Mohamed Taman

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À propos de ce livre

About This Book

  • Develop amazing gestures –based applications and an interactive JavaFX application powered by leap motion devices
  • Get in touch with the right tools to rapidly develop your JavaFX application and give you essential hands-on experience with JavaFX 8
  • A step-by-step guide with examples to help you develop applications

Who This Book Is For

If you are a Java developer, an experienced Java Swing, Flash/Flex, SWT, or web developer looking to take your client-side applications to the next level, this book is for you.

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JavaFX Essentials

Table of Contents

JavaFX Essentials
About the Author
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What this book covers
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1. Getting Started with JavaFX 8
JavaFX goals
Getting started
JavaFX history
When is JavaFX 8 available?
JavaFX features
What's new in JavaFX 8
Installing the required software
Installing Java SE 8 JDK
Setting environment variables
Installing the NetBeans IDE
Creating "Hello World" JavaFX-style applications
Using the Netbeans IDE
How it works
2. JavaFX 8 Essentials and Creating a Custom UI
Quick review of the JavaFX 8 architecture
Scene graphs
Java public APIs for JavaFX features
Graphics System
Glass Windowing Toolkit
JavaFX threads
Media and images
Web component
Layout components
JavaFX controls
Java SE 8 features
Lambda expressions
Functional interfaces
Applying CSS theme
Scene Builder
Downloading and launching
Loading FXML into JavaFX applications
Developing a custom UI
The Login dialog custom UI
Structure of the Login dialog custom UI
Coding the Login dialog custom UI
3. Developing a JavaFX Desktop and Web Application
Developing a note-taking application
Building the UI prototype
Bringing your application to life – adding interactions
Power application change synchronization with properties
Filtering the TableView data list
Note-taking as a desktop application
Deploying the application for desktop distribution
JavaFX on the Web
WebView and engine in action
Note-taking as a web application
Running the application for the Web
Java Web Start
Deploying the application for a web distribution
4. Developing a JavaFX Application for Android
Why port JavaFX into the mobile environment?
How it works
Who is maintaining it?
Getting started
Preparing and installing the prerequisite software
Java SE 8 JDK8 u45
Android SDK
Preparing the project for Android
Project structure
Using Gradle
The application
Developing and styling an application UI with CSS
Adding some logic
Making your project ready for mobile devices
Interoperability with low-level Android APIs
Building the application
Building the final .apk Android package
Deploying the application
Deploying on Android-based devices
Deploying on the Google Play Store
Signing the APK
Testing tips
5. Developing a JavaFX Application for iOS
Using RoboVM to run JavaFX on iOS
How it works
Getting started
Preparing a project for iOS
Project structure
The application
Interoperability with low-level iOS APIs
Gradle build files
Building the application
Generating the iOS .ipa package file
Deploying the application
Deploying to a simulator
Deploying to an Apple device
6. Running JavaFX Applications on the Raspberry Pi
What is the Raspberry Pi?
What can you do with it?
Why is the Raspberry Pi a perfect fit for JavaFX?
Which module should you buy?
Buying the Raspberry Pi
Related websites and documentation
Preparing the Raspberry Pi for JavaFX 8
Creating a bootable SD card
Configuring the Raspberry Pi
Connecting to the Raspberry Pi remotely
Installing VNC on the Raspberry Pi
Setting up VNC to start at boot
Setting up a static IP address
Auto login in the Raspberry Pi
Connecting to VNC with a client
JavaFX 8 development prerequisites
Installing Java SE 8 on the Raspberry Pi
Installing Java SE 8
Adding JavaFX
Configuring NetBeans for the Raspberry Pi
The switch application
What is the Pi4J library?
Circuit setup
The application
Using NetBeans with the Pi
7. Monitoring and Controlling Arduino with JavaFX
What is an Arduino board?
What can you do with it?
Related websites and documentation
Setting up your Arduino
Buying an Arduino
Other components you will need
The Arduino IDE
Downloading the IDE
Installing the drivers
Windows Setup
Mac OS X and Linux setup
Exploring the IDE and sketches
The blood meter project
Tinkering with the circuit
The sketch
How it works
Testing, verifying, and uploading the sketch into the Arduino
Reading data from serial ports
The JavaFX blood meter monitoring application
Serial communication in Java
Application logic and charting API
Running the application
8. Interactive Leap Motion Apps with JavaFX
The Leap Motion controller
How it works
The coordinate system
Getting the device
Package contents
Getting started with the Leap SDK
Installing the controller driver and software
Verifying whether it works
Supported languages
The Leap JavaFX application
The JavaFX 3D API at a glance
More learning resources
The basic application structure
The JavaFX 8 3D application
How it works
Running the application
More examples
A. Become a JavaFX Guru
Resources and references
Official documentation
JavaFX samples
Java SE 8
The Java SE 8 API documentation and tutorials
Project Lambda
JavaFX properties and bindings
JavaFX communities
Java SE / JavaFX books and magazines

JavaFX Essentials

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